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Its so much fun when your save suddenly ceases to exist, after weeks of play!


Man, don't get me wrong, it does blow that this can happen - but this is precisely the reason why game keeps bugging you daily with notification to download backup.


What's wrong with the people of this village? :) Why do they store iron and gold in aquariums, and pour water into towers and obelisks? With this approach, they should live in warehouses and store wood in houses! However, they still live in the forges, so...

I think there might be a bug with the golden throne red gem upgrade for village.  The multipliers for it go from 1 -> 1.5 -> 2 -> 3.5 -> 5.5 -> 8 -> 11, etc continuing in the pattern of incrementing the increase by .5x each upgrade thereafter.  The only reason I think theres a bug is it seems like the second upgrade should take it from 1.5 to 2.5 given the pattern all the rest of the numbers have.  It seems to skip over incrementing by 1 instead incrementing by .5 twice before going straight to 1.5.


The golden throne upgrade used to start at the x2 gold upgrade, and the 1.5x gold upgrade was put it at some point (along with some other cheaper upgrades) to be something for people to buy earlier with red gems.  

Unfortunately, none of the costs of the original upgrades got reduced any, so although getting some benefit earlier is nice, it also just meant that someone buying to that upgrade power later has to spend more red gems overall.

So, I bought 3 treasures since returning to the game, and all 3 were a tier 2 treasure giving a bonus to grain gain.  Either there's something wrong with the rng seed saving or I just got what I think is a ridiculously unlikely result.

a way to get more than 1 corrupted flesh at a time would  be  very nice


There is, Heirlooms from level 60 onwards. And they are very nice. 


oh goody they give .03  

thats worthless


It's a lot easier to get lots of heirlooms now; I started hitting level 60 a few days ago and I already have 38 of those, giving me +1.14 flesh/s. It's really pretty good and grows decently fast.

thats really not good no as you needs tons of flesh to counter the buff 


Perhaps this game just isn’t for you? Based on all of your comments it really doesn’t sound like a long-term idle game is what you’re looking for.

Stick with it, there's optons ahead for that.

the save files stopped exporting as .json files and are now saving as .txt files instead. not sure if this is an intended update.


It is, check patchnote 1.3.4 for more information.

So, after not touching this for a while, I loaded my save (which was sometime before 1.3) and now in horde I have NaN empowered souls, and I can't see my bone capacity.  (it does seem to still be there, but I can't see the bone prices of upgrades)

try to prestige, might fix?

Prestiging didn't fix, but loading the game fixed it somehow today.  Don't think I actually tried reloading the game yesterday.


I'm also only getting one treasure, which I can only assume is not intended behaviour.

Additionally, the gem economy is insane. The default rate of 1 gem per hour is far too slow for the costs. If something costs 24 gems it costs 1 day of real life time, if it costs 200 gems that's over a week. And I know "it's a long term idle game and you can speed up gem generation" but asking players to wait a week for a 1.6x multiplier is too much. I think the cost to generation ratio should be adjusted and/or there should be some sort of gem exchange so those purple gems can actually have some use.

gem upgrade just some bonus to your progression so is just fine.
but amethyst need to have some new use, only buying new theme just boring

(1 edit) (+2)

Giving amethyst any use other than buying cosmetics will make it so nobody wants to use them on cosmetics, which would be bad. The whole point of having five different gem currencies that are all gained at the same rate and used for different things is so that you don’t feel bad about spending them.


Are people buying the themes in the first place?

I didn't know where they were, and once I found them the cheapest cost 1000, which would take 40 days to afford. Even at my current rate with 112 achievements it would take 20 days. If you've played long enough to afford a theme I would guess that you've stopped caring about what it looks like, if you even did in the first place.

It wouldn't be choosing between buying a theme and buying an upgrade, it's between buying anything or having a currency accumulating uselessly.

And having to choose what to spend currency on is the main mechanic of idle and incremental games, and it wouldn't be so important if the upgrades didn't take so long to afford in the first place.


I bought a theme

i second being able to exchange the useless purples ofr other colors 

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Small issue in Village: The miniature smith displays as housing, but people are not added to the village when it's completed.

(1 edit) (+2)

It is considered housing because every 5th one you build adds an additional worker


oh joy the  merchant showed up but i cant afford anything of use 

these gems feel lik ea micro transaction with out the microtransaction 


i guess you need to invest some resource when bank event to acquire some topaz then spend them in merchant
(need some golden dust if i remembered

only way to get more gems is via the timer which only gets shorter from achievements

my issue was i did not have enough gems not that my cap was to low 


hmm downloaded the exe and windows defender said it was a virus (Trojan:Win32/Wacatac.B!ml)...


im only getting spears from the treasure system 

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm only getting mental ressources on my side x) Might be a bug. 5 in a row

I saved my red gems and got a premium garden gnome, and it doesn't seem to be working.

the gold drop chance just so low even you double it just as low, i guess need to get more gnome for significant improvement.
(carrot only have
0.894% chance, if you need to get at least 1 gold per harverst, at least planting tulip will be faster, or wheat

i always get the same treasure today. is it  usual?


treasure is way to expensive for what you get 

is there any use for amethyst? it said to buy some cosmetic item (i guess is skin or something?) but never find them

I've only ever seen them used for themes in the settings screen.  Effectively useless, especially at the extreme cost, per theme.



Random notice:  If fighting a miniboss, when the boss is ready to fight, everytime you click the button to fight the boss, it'll just restart the mini-boss fight, instead.  Have to wait for it to be defeated to try the boss fight.


Interconnection between features would really push this game to the top. 


Thank you for adding expected resource timers! After playing Kitten Game for a year I was missing this feature so much!


I just gotta say, I love this game, and every update, it just gets a little bit better :D

This is a very niche problem; but I can't use blue gems to craft the best pickaxe if I have 13 crafting slots (2*+4 from cards), unless I invest a fairly large amount of ore per slot.


can we have more than 4 equipment slots pls


Just found the 5th slot, but still need more farming and 2-3 prestiges more to be able to buy the upgrade. Keep on grinding ;)

I got the smeltery temperature past 275, but it didn't keep it, even though there's a lock icon.


the lock is for the feature itself, not the temperature, despite appearances 


Shouldn't the offering pedestal be a persistent building ? It feels weird not benefiting the bonuses each prestige while not having it bought, but still have the possibility to make sacrifices.

Please make the “max” buy button visible on the collapsed display thank you

the rampage mechanic is bad as it shuts down defensive builds


it is helpful when you just prestiged and want to climb zones faster, you can turn it off whenever you want

whats the point of raising your grade 

In school feature ? You'll get more golden dust if you take an exam on a more advance grade class.

I'm wondering how high the grades go. I am up to S+3 and I am guessing that there is no limit.

Yeah it must be a kind of logarithmic function to calculate your golden dust reward, the increase in reward is less and less valuable as grade rises

Why don't previous card effects remain after prestiging? Seems weird in an incremental game to keep resetting the bonus on something that costs "rare" currency.


Nah, the bonus are just too good to be kept permanently. You must look for set completion and obtaining new cards though. 


I feel kinda stuck around zone 50 in horde mode, the bone capacity and number of items to equip never seems to increase in a way to get over this large step of difficulty

Do village offerings stay between prestiges?


Yes, their cost just resets


i was at first very confused by the horde mode update, but after reading the patch notes that you provide on each patch, and getting some experience with it, i want to say that that was a fantastic redesign from a conceptual standpoint, and the intended effects of the redesign are definitely superior than the previous version.

The respawn timer and it's interaction between bone/meat gain (as well as it's lessening relevance on later, harder levels of combat) is particularly inspired. I feel if I keep praising this it'll start coming off sarcastically so I'm going to sign off with a thank you, and Well Done.

I am not impressed by it yet as it totally ruined a long run I had going with the red staff and my equipment dropped down to four items.

Bone and parts farming also seem nerfed. And as I was farming a zone lower than my highest when I used the new version, it put the lower level as my 'highest reached'.

But I will eventually prestige and then give 1.3.3 a go with a fresh start. Your positive vibes show me that all is not lost :)

Is ALL the biological damage affected by boss resistance? That was terrible for biological active skills and damage conversions.

it always was affected by that, the actives of a couple of the biological damage ones got nerfed tho

Btw, is there some way to "fix" the broken stopwatch, since with this update it was "upgraded" from x2 nostalgia to x0 (and upgrades don't increase this).  (Rockin' the useless stats, here)

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In my understanding the nostalgia is calculated by (base_nostalgia-heirloom_drop_this_run) x multi, the change from x2 to x0  is nerfed for short runs heirloom farming but better for long runs farming.

Edited: Actually nostalgia is lower than not equipping stopwatch, and negative nostalgia isn't working at all.

If think this broken stopwatch is to use when you want to wait for higher zone farming heirlooms. I'll have to try this but if I understand well, having 0x Nostalgia makes it impossible to help you drop heirloom so you can keep those for later (zone 50 and higher)

Problem here is that you get Stopwatch only from zone 40+

(1 edit) (+2)

At some point you'll drop it in 30min-1h, so you'll still have plenty of nostalgia. I think it's really needed when trying to farm heirlooms post zone 50-60

welp th event ends today and im not going ot be able to get a single reward do to the garbage RNG

They're pretty mild - I unlocked two cards, could have gotten a 10% increase in the amount of grain my farm put out.  I wouldn't sweat it.

Yeah small rewards for the time spent on event, but will get better with some time and good use of topaz I think. Even with some bad luck, I still think it was a fun event, I just want to see now how topaz affect this one

the horde have taunt mode?! yea time to rush


I will start by saying that this game is addictive and compelling.  It also has my favorite QoL feature, that's missing from a lot of other incremental games: hovering over a number (a rate, or a capacity) actually lists in detail what numbers are contributing to it.  Awesome.

Now, er, that said: are you sure your random number generator is working?  I feel like 50% chances when forging fail way more often than not.  In fact, I currently have a 40% chance of improving my pick, and while I don't expect that to succeed, I also don't expect it to fail on seven consecutive clicks (which is something less than a 3% chance).  Possible, but aligns with my sense that the numbers are just coming out weird.


Are you fucking serious, there's no local save?

I have a fucking local save but it can't seem to find it.

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the quotes (“) aren’t working for literature at B- and i don’t know why

and the horde needs a buff because i used to be able to equip 9 items and now i can’t equip more than 4

really wish you would list what is in updates


There's literally  updates menu out there. Press i in the right top corner and then patch notes. If you don't see explanation, it means you haven't progressed to that part of the game

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