Tendsty is really just saying not to expect an update every week or less like we used to have. The break between future updates should be MUCH shorter than this one.
I've found a bug in bloom event: it doesn't always autosell the lowest flower. I had 10-5-4-3-1-0 + 1 empty slot, and after breeding (flower L7 with splitting gene) I got 10-4-3-1-0-6-6.
UPD: from my observations, it removes lvl just below one it tries to add first and then searches down to lvl 1. Probably invalid search loop direction...
As for me, the game didn't load autosave a couple of times. Restarting the game helped once. The other one didn 't help ) Therefore, manual saving is important. No wonder the game constantly reminds you of him. You are not the first person to face a similar problem. And the answer will be the same. Save manually. Just in case.
How do you get more Tower keys in the Horde? I see them in the Merchant shop, but that's not a reliable way of getting them. Also 450 Topaz per key is expensive.
A little advice. Enter the tower when your maximum achieved zone is at least 30-50 levels higher than the requirements for the first floor of the tower.
You're a lot farther along than I am (I left my 'time machine' back in Trimps) , but at the 'just recently unlocked towers' point I wouldn't advocate waiting that long.
Even a few of a new type of heirloom make a massive difference, and there are some to be found in the towers. Add in the mild bonus of the low hanging attack/health crown-bought boosts, and I think it makes sense to burn a few keys pretty quickly.
I think once out of curiosity everyone will launch the tower as soon as they get access to it :) I meant not to waste the keys going through 10-20 levels of the tower. After all, the main bonuses in them are every 50th level.
Yeah, that took me a while to figure out. Parts of the "horde" UI need some work.
There's no indication of how much of each type of damage you're dealing. (Just scaling factors, which isn't the whole picture.)
There's a whole resource (nostalgia) whose quantity isn't even displayed anywhere in the game, except in parenthesis at the end of a long tooltip.
The list of heirlooms isn't labeled, so it's just a list of random upgrades with no indication of where they came from. (Since "heirloom" implies some sort of physical object, like "relic," and that's just a list of boosted stats, it seems unlikely that they'd have anything to do with each other.)
I still can't figure out what "damage conversion" means in an item description.
Overall, it doesn't quite meet the dev's stated goal of "detailed explanations about mechanics in-game" yet :)
And the player also has no choice to spend this resource or not. Why show something that the player cannot influence or use in any way? Ubi nil vales, ibi nil velis.
And again they write to me where they come from.
If you don't understand something, it's not necessarily the fault of the one who explained it to you badly.
I said this before, and I will say it now: if a thousand people understood the explanation, but one did not, you do not need to adjust everything to this one. It is much more profitable not to pay attention to him. Or throw it away. Or shoot him. Depending on the situation.
Corrupted Flesh feeds the Cleaning Ritual, which lowers Corruption. Corruption goes up each Horde level, and if it's in the positive (IE you haven't been able to keep up with it via the Cleaning Ritual or other Corruption lowering perks) the enemies gain a bonus to their attack and defense. If it gets high enough they start getting bonus special abilities.
So, Corruption is a pacing mechanic to keep rapid-repeat prestiging from being super-viable.
just as a random idea, i think it would be cool if we could salvage unnecessary duplicates of cards to gain something, like a resource called “paper shreds” or something and they can be used to increase the chance of unlocking new cards.
In general, cards are needed to use them during rebirth. And those cards that are not used in this way are immediately automatically exchanged for gems. Where did you manage to find the unnecessary cards? :)
it’s alright man, but again, i have lots of duplicates that i can’t really use right now. I have 34 lurking snake cards and i was wondering if there was something i could do with the mass amount of duplicates i have.
1) I agree that the excess of something that you got through hard work is annoying. You've been working so hard, and now he's just lying there useless. It's infuriating!
2) "It's going to be good." Alas, this does not work in game development. No one knows if an idea will work or not. Completely incomprehensible things are gaining popularity. If there was a way to predict this in advance, we would only play super popular games :) So you actually said, "I think it's going to be good." And this is the opinion of a single person. No one here supported you. It's just a fact. Without ratings.
3) Personally, I think it would be much better if the game got more content, rather than ending abruptly like a behemoth :) Between a strange unverified idea and a thing that prevents absolutely every player from playing the game, anyone will choose the latter, agree :) But the author has not pampered us with updates for several months now. It's not up to your ideas anymore. To get what you need, we will think about what we want later :)
I've thought about your idea some more. In order for your proposed mechanics to work, and not just be a strange way to delete cards, you need to constantly buy new useless cards. Do you have any gems for that? Does anyone have one? :) Emeralds, when they appear, can always be spent on treasures. Of course, there comes a point when it becomes pointless to spend them there, but by this point, believe me, you absolutely don't care how many extra cards you have. Check out the discussions below. The Horde, for example, passes under very specific cards. No one cares how many extra cards you get while you're mining these. If one rebirth lasts for six months, you will have more than enough emeralds for it :)
This is not an option. Extra cards from decks that improve the capacity of gems immediately turn into gems. These are decks Precious jewelry, Weeked trip, Cold times.
Captain Obvious? In response to "those cards that are not used in this way", you say "not really the same situation"? Well, as a wise man once said: "In life, everything is not as it really is."
Still a quite lovely game. My favorite non-ending idle / incremental on the site thus far.
Equipment mastery gain, as displayed in the tool-tip, is wrong. I'm seeing things like 681 pts for a boss a level, and 3.55 pts (5%) for a miniboss. 5 percent of 681 is 34.15, significantly higher than advertised. Minibosses are either giving approximately (but not exactly) tenth of the intended mastery points or the tooltip is misdisplaying the income rate.
I'm at a point where it would literally take me almost a century to gain a level with default value. And just to be sure I checked how mastery changed when a miniboss was killed - and it indeed gave me ~7k exp
It does work, if you compare total gain of different producers and the actual rate at which you accumulate light - you'll notice that the latter is much faster. It just doesn't get taken into account in UI for whatever reason.
I thought so too but I checked how fast I was getting light before and after purchasing the second upgrade and it does work. Seemed like tripling the input would be more noticeable lol.
Does anyone know what unlocks the card pack used for the top row of Dangers in the Dark series beyond the first card in the top left? Also, what unlocks the bottom right card pack in the Feeding the World series?
they unlock at certain milestone (I couldn't remember when exactly). For Dangers in the dark the next pack is from Mining, I think it unlocks around 145m, and for Feeding the World the pack is from Horde, after zone 75 iirc.
I think you have to buy the pack once in order to remove the lock from blank cards and see the odds. Dangers in the dark need cards from "Danger Zone" pack. For feeding the world I have no idea, I also have the last card locked.
I feel like there really should be a note hinting about obsidian. I stumbled upon it by complete accident, the only thing to give away it's existence is the "Scanning" upgrade's unknown resource requirement (and even then I assumed that it might be the next smeltery bar, just kinda misplaced in terms of progression)
Well, duh, but it's the finding out it exists in the first place that's the problem. It is kinda similar to joy, but atleast you learn resource's name from faith upgrade and even if you don't know what to do exactly to aquire it - you're gonna stumble upon it naturally because happiness is great and you want as much of it as possible. With obsidian you have to intentionally hinder yourself. Every other rare earth so far was discovered automatically (except for granite, which does come with a note containing direct instructions on how to get it)
I'm sorry, I don't quite catch the general idea of your statement. Do you agree that this is not the first mysterious resource in the game? That these are the resources that are definitely there, as they are required for upgrades, but the player does not know how to get them - there are more than one in the game. So it makes sense to talk about the systemic nature of the phenomenon. And now I will say again what I am being ignored on this resource over and over again :) And the author knows! He is not an idiot, and he, for example, guessed that three or four years. necessary to complete this game, no one will play it. They'll quit sooner. That one key per week is catastrophically small. That events with a frequency of a year break the players' brains. At least he suspected all this. And he built it into the game anyway. He has some kind of his own vision of the gameplay. And I don't exactly approve of him. I rather hold the position that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Especially the creators. Especially those who are really good at something.
So I'll repeat my thought. I'm a little confused about the purpose of your outrage. I don't believe the author will change this in any way. This is not a mistake, it is an inconvenience, and a pre-punishable inconvenience, which makes it possible to think that this was intended. It's been four months since the release, haven't you figured out exactly what you're playing yet? :)
Jesus man, I don't know if it was the intent here, but you sound almost antagonistic towards the dude making this game. I really don't think there is any sort of malicious intent here, most likely just an oversight. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if a note does exist, just placed to far ahead (I already encountered a couple of notes in obviously incorrect places, most likely due to moving stuff around in previous updates, like the reworked horde for example).
And yeah, I have no idea what kind of tomfoolery awaits me further ahead (cannot even begin to guess what the hell the keys are that you mentioned) but I really like and vibe with what I've seen so far. So I'm just leaving feedback (the first sentence of the first post is pretty much the whole gist of it)
To be honest, I don't see a problem. Well, judge for yourself: the longer you play, the faster you run through the starting levels. And the moment when you get to the 150th without improving the pickaxe is inevitable. Everything depends only on the player's attentiveness, multiplied by his own laziness. There is nothing to remind you about, Scanning will not let the player forget that he did not find obsidian. There is no need to prompt here - from time to time the player must think for himself. There is nothing to fix here because fixing something that is not broken is a very bad decision. There is, in fact, no subject for discussion here. The only thing is, someone may want to take the easy way and ask for advice from those who have already solved this problem. Actually, I gave you this advice from the very beginning, without really understanding what exactly you want. People constantly want strange things, and when they want it, they also want it on New Year's morning and in a different language...
And yes, I really don't understand something in this world. I'm saying that the author is smart. I'm saying he's prudent. I'm saying that he is able to predict the consequences of his actions. I'm saying he created a great game. I admit that I respect his (and not only his, however) right to self-expression and to have his own opinion. And after all this, it turns out that I sound hostile towards the author? :)
This is all the information I had on the question. And this is all the information that anyone has had to answer on this issue. Do you criticize? So you have something to add to my answer? Well, add it! And idiots who scold everything, but do nothing to fix it - the Internet is full.
Learn the basics. "Criticizing is offering" is a basic principle.
You can click on his patreon profile and see that the last post was a couple of days ago. Which you can't open unless you dish out some moolah - but you can ascertain that he's alive and kicking. Regardless, just let him cook, he doesn't owe us pumping out content on a tight schedule (or any schedule at all for that matter).
:D You be careful. To tell some that no one owes them anything is a violation of the world order! It's like telling children that a fat man in red clothes and with a white beard is not real! :D You're just a villain :)
Oh, this one. I'm sorry :) I have it frozen forever, so I haven't found it yet :) So what's the question? The further you go, the more they give you. Whether for the amount of Inspiration, or for the amount of Beauty. But since these are directly related things, it is difficult to find out exactly. More precisely, lazily :) But in any case, the universal rule already works. "The further I went, the more I got."
As I said two weeks ago "in 3-5 days you will be able to defeat 23-25 enemies and that's it. This will give you 95-120 tokens". It turns out that I was not mistaken :)
One thing that I figured out a little to late is that resource producers don't scale linearly. Don't know how much exactly you get with each subsequent one, but it's definetly some sort of multiplier. Doesn't help that there's nowhere in the UI that shows your income. So I think the best strat would be to pick only water, upgrade loot rating a shitton of time, then reroll everything into crit producers, get a buch of crit rating and then reroll all producers again, this time into snow. All while picking every crit related combat item you can.
Too bad that this can only help in hindsight. I personally picked the producers evenly, which is probably the worst thing you can do.
The costs scale to basically unachievable levels after not that many upgrades though, I don't think it would be worth the snow rerolling producers multiple times. Maybe once to farm up loot rating at the start, which is basically mandatory to get very far, but after that a more balanced distribution will get you maybe 1-2 fewer upgrades in each thing without being a hassle and a big drain on snow. Then you have a lot more chances to repeat fights or reroll bad loot / fix your build. By the mid-20s or so producers become irrelevant, you just pump them all into 1 or 2 things so you can maybe afford one more upgrade before the event ends, but one loot reroll can take you from barely scratching an enemy wave to progressing easily again.
Here's the deal... The parts of the task that have already been completed do not have descriptions. Just a checkmark. So the one who knows what to do is not yet sure how, and the one who knows how has already forgotten what to do, Attach a full description of the task. It's better to take a screenshot along with the rest of the panel :)
But offhand, you either need to buy a Harvest upgrade of the 7th level (there seemed to be 8 in total) on the farm, or collect a crop that has sprouted seven times :) But rather, the first or the second is already very cruel :)
hi, nice concept, and the different parts of the game are great, BUT, the game is not idle
- the penalty for being idle/offline is too great, and without using out of game autoclicker on at least one part/tab and keeping the game running/online, thus having your pc/notebook running 24/7, you are not able to see any meaningful progress.
it is really necessary to give us autoclickers/automation ingame for each part, here my examples what would make it really idle, yet still not lose the strategy part
village - ability to put buildings into queue depending on current max ressources limit, not current reccources - that way you do not need to babysit village all the time and can actually go to sleep/work/holiday and make some progress
- you can make it earnable per building, or producing robots that do it, something like this, or achievement
horde/mining/farm/village - ability to earn autoclicker for abilities and for buying upgrades that you can assign
mining - could be a way to turn scrap into parts and build robots who work on upgrades
horde - building frankenstein familiars from flesh who cast the spells and buy upgrades
farm - giving gnome living water to turn them into automatic garden gnomes who replant and upgrade for you
village - special administrative building where you put workers who keep an eye which part of your vilage needs to be upgraded
all these could be made gradualy permanent after reaching a specific milestones/achievements - yet still have the ability to deactivate them, so you can play actively if you wish, as doing the decisions actively is still much more effective and efficient than idle/offline brainless autohelpers - BUT we could actually shut down the pc/notebook for awhile. :)
It gives a passive experience to all plants at once. But only up to the maximum level they have reached. It is a little useful in the later stages, but in general, cryolab has the worst effect on the farm.
How do we complete gardening under generals guys? I'm stuck on farm: best harvest at least 7 (3) and have been for ages. I'm guessing it's overgrowth, but with the changes to the farming timer that seems impossible now even with carrots. I wish I'd done it before the changes!
You should be able to clear it in a day or so with carrot + overgrow gene (lvl 5+ plantation upgrade I think) + fertilizer that has grow time / 2 You have to wait until you have a 800% carrot. That's 30 + 37.5 + 46.9 + 58.6 + 73.2 + 91.5 + 114.4 + 143 = ~600min = 10h This is with 400% overgrow
How do you get 400% overgrow? Mine is only 20%. I'll try the overgrow gene though. Also I haven't seen the plantation upgrade yet. I waited 2 days on carrots and got to 348% and gave up.
The upgradable part of overgrowth gene gives you a flat 15 % bonus per level - which is added to your base ovegrowth and then multiplied by 2.5 modifier of the gene itself. So it doesn't really matter if your base overgrowth is small, the gene is gonna do most of the heavy lifting (provided you upgrade it)
Anyone else hit a plateau around Horde 90ish? I'm at a point where my bone capacity is way, way, way larger than I could hope to fill in a reasonable amount of time, and it takes about 3 days to fill my corrupted soul capacity. Progression's been pretty slow here; wondering if anyone found any good equipment combos or other strategies to push through. The next upgrade unlock is at 98, and I'm only at 93 so far...
Items, cards and gems. Nothing new. As far as I understand, you are just about to unlock Milestone, which gives *1000 bone capacity for each level.
I took Ancient Wealth and Ancient Spirit for gems. To develop faster.
In the items Shirt, Campfire for survival Toxic Sword, Forbidden Sword for damage and, of course, Red Staff. Actually, it provides maximum damage :) However, for this you need to use his ability as many times as possible. Three days is catastrophically short, unless you will use a cooldown. If there is a sixth slot Club, it gives a huge plus to the damage, though removing the crit. But you can't collect a crit set at 90 levels.
Cards... I wrote just below. You can already level things up in your 90s, but can you improve anything up to level 5? The 5th level will give you *1.7 to attack-defense. So if you can, buy cards, equip things and upgrade them to the 5th.
And the rest... Nostalgia. More, more heirloom! :) Cryolab. You say one session is three days? So you'll get the same amount in cryolabs. But you will get more profit in the future. And, again, gems. Ancient... everything. Cards. Have you collected all the sets? Treasures. Did you buy all the treasures? Generals. Have you gathered all the generals? School. Did you buy all the books?
In general, there is no special secret. Hit this wall with your forehead. Someday it will break :)
Or you can use tactics, the mere mention of which causes unanimous rejection among visitors to this site :) You say your session is 3 days now? Double it! :) During this time, you will gain twice as many bonuses from Red Staff, which will double your attack. This is enough to go one level further. This will increase the capacity of Corrupted Soul by about 30% and their income by almost the same. Play for another day or two and accumulate twice as much Corrupted Soul as usual. Even with a fine. Do the prestige. Now, with the help of cryostasis, you will receive Soul twice as fast. Freeze it for a few days to buy some prestige upgrades. Repeat the procedure :)
This is exactly what I keep saying over and over again :) There is no other tactic except to increase the duration of prestige over and over again. But people tell me to just wait. And the author will fix everything. Absolutely! :) And then, in this bright someday, there will be universal happiness, paradise on earth, and prestige no longer than 1.5 days :)
Thanks, think I'll try longer prestiges for now - unfortunately, without the level 100 heirloom, I probably can't level my equipment mastery in any reasonable period of time, so I'll try to push to there. Other than that, everything else is stuff I've been using already.
I'm pushing through this right now. Given that you posted about two months ago, you've hopefully blown through the blockade.
Good cards help A LOT. There's a +3 equipment card that's perfect for leveling up gear in the Tainted World pack. The extra pieces of gear outclass the x1.25-type bonuses most other cards provide and ought to buy you an extra level or two.
There are a few pieces of gear worth getting to LVL 2 as a priority - Star Shield, Longsword, and Fire Orb spring to mind. The lvl2 boost lets you gain a 50% bonus to the passive, which buys you a lot of division shields and critical hit power. I'd advocate having those active on the "way up" to the levels where you're struggling, since the boss fights grant the most XP fastest. In fact, I'd consider a handful of taunt-heavy no-card runs since the point where these early equipment items start gaining XP is so low. Those extra rounds without damage from the division shields and pushing Crits above 100% chance has a HUGE advantage - you'll soon find one in six hits or so doing over quadruple damage, which beats any of the active equipment attacks.
I burn most of my school bonuses on Horde. It helps - a bunch of extra levels to things you only need to buy once and you've got another x2 or so to damage and health. Gems spent on tripling the efficacy of heirlooms are generally well spent, too.
You should be able to get the Corrupted Soul Capacity up to seven to ten days worth with a bit of patience. Then, with MORE patience, cap it once at that ridiculous value. Now your Cryo will be vastly more productive than being active, at least for a while (this is what I'm working on at the moment). While you're waiting for the CS to hit cap, remember : Minibosses at any level have the same CS drop, based on your highest Horde level hit (since prestige, I think). So if you can barely squeeze through to a high-nineties value level, then back off to a lower level where you can comfortably get 1-hit-kills. That way you can use all your equipment that boosts Miniboss spawning and drops and still wipe them out reliably. Every day or two, check to see if you've got enough bones to squeeze out another level, each of which should cut a day or so off the time-til-max-CS.
Yup, pushed past it, but your advice here is great and is generally what I did (sans star shield/fire orb). The good news is progression speeds up quite a bit once you hit 110 or so! At some point, you can hit 100% heirloom drop chance by using Power of Science plus a few more heirloom chance cards, so that's nice to linger on for a while too :P
Well, since the question has arisen more than once, I will tell you where such terrible numbers of prestige durations come from. When I saw cryolab for the first time, I immediately wrote here that it was some kind of exploit. Actually, I was almost right :) But the devil is in the details.
See. Let's say I earned X faith in a week of playing. Restarted prestige. My income is now X/7 per day. Freeze it in a cryolab for a week. A couple of days at 25%, then 27, then 29... In a week we will get somewhere 1.8*X and the second level of cryostasis, which will give us income and a reserve of faith * 1.2 and 2% of passive income. Passive income, though pleasant, is not enough. But 1.8 is serious, in order to at least match this income next time I had to spend about 8-9 days in the village. Even taking into account the purchased upgrades and the 1.2 bonus from cryolab. And so, after 9 days, what should I do? Reset to get the same amount? Stupidly. So I waited another five days and ended up with about 6X. That's better. In order not to be confused, I will denote this figure as X1,
In total, my income is now X1/14, which is three times more than X. That's just if you freeze it, In a week I will get somewhere 2 * X1, that is, the speed is already four times higher than with an active game. Moreover, after a week of freezing, I will receive the third level, and 3% * 14 is already 42% of the main income. Also a little, but already a decent figure. And of course, in order to somehow compensate for the opportunity to receive four times the income through freezing, I play so much to get at least 10 times more. As a result, it turns out twice as long as in the last session, that is, a month.
And then, I think you understand :) Each subsequent session is twice as long as the previous one. At the same time, even passive income begins to exceed the active one at times, not to mention the income from freezing. My last session lasted 300+ days. And at the 7th level of cryostasis, I now receive 7% of passive income. 0.07*300=21. That is, passively I get 21 times more than actually in the game. And if you freeze it - at 117.
Of course, you can ask why then prestige is needed at all. Well, if you didn't follow the reasoning very closely :) And the prestige reset is needed to increase the damn X. After all, even though I get a lot of faith passively and can buy a lot of upgrades, their prices are growing exponentially. And still not enough :) Always! :)
However, thanks to the creativity of the developer, each mode has its own ways of tightening. On a gas giant, you just need to cut through a pile of waste rock. And the further - the more. In each prestige, the starting session lasts longer and longer. Not to mention the main one. There are keys in the horde. One a week is powerful :) At the same time, of course, soon one key (more precisely, the resources extracted with it) will not be enough for anything. And we will already need 2, 3, 5, etc. keys for new upgrades :) The gallery, of course, is "pleasing" in this regard. Because of the funny icon "end of content, wait for new updates", the game moves into the real world altogether. We are waiting here, this time is no longer squandered :) And the farm alone does not strain us with expectations. Well, just think, the grass growing for a week is a trifle not worth attention! :)
So yes, I will repeat my thought, even though the people below didn't like it. We were warned that this is for a long time! :D
Man, you gotta realise that with your magnificent power of time travel (and I ain't berating you for it or anything, you can play however the hell you want) comes the downside of seeing stuff that is in a placeholder state or downright missing, since it doesn't make sense to develop and balance parts of the game which nobody could reach legit at the moment. So by the time people approach the point where prestige cycles last months: there might be new upgrades, features and balance changes to make it not so.
But at the same time, this may be what the developer is intending: idle gameplay. Every update they've done (School, then Hordes, then Village/Farm) was made to make the game more idle and extend available content. While it will still be an incremental, it seems the end goal is effectively a check-in game. I don't want this, personally, and would prefer if resets stay between 3 and 7 days or so.
This isn't really that urgent, as I don't think the effects will be that bad until like a month or two from now, but at some point some small changes to address this would be nice.
I don't quite understand why you're telling me this. Look: people are upset about the duration of the processes in the game. Different processes and already now, after playing for a couple of months. And I totally agree with them, but unlike them, I solved this problem for myself and now I'm playing this game a little faster. And knowing more about the game than those who have just encountered these difficulties, I say, in fact, two things:
1) It will be MUCH worse.
2) That one long process that a person complains about is part of the whole system. Literally every aspect of this game is designed for years.
I'm not saying it's good at all. Otherwise, I wouldn't be tormented with missing time. But these are the rules we were WARNED about. We all agreed in advance to play on them. And now suddenly it turns out that someone does not agree. Well, if you don't like it, don't play! :) Or change the rules of the game. Which, in fact, is what the people I am addressing are doing. They are trying to force the developer to change the rules of the game for them. In fact, there is only a tiny difference between us: I solve the found problem on my own, and they want someone else to solve it for them.
And you seem to be saying everything correctly: the game is still in development and the rules may change (especially under user pressure). But personally, I would prefer that the developer spent this time adding new content than changing the old one, which works quite well. Because, for example, the Gallery is now a very poor game. There are only three simple mechanics and four months of gameplay. With three mechanics that have no novelty. The gallery is now impossibly boring, and as for me, it would be better for the developer to finish it than to change what works.
So yeah, I don't understand why you're telling me what you're saying. Living in a world of winning early accesses, it is impossible not to learn to live with them. In fact, very few games in early access that had quite a lot of content are replayed by players later. Especially idle Games :) Especially, designed for months of play and more. I don't know about you, but I haven't played releases of a whole bunch of great games just because I've already played enough of early access. And I'm not interested in playing the same thing, but with small additions. Even though it has become better, more convenient, more enjoyable, more content, etc. So yes, maybe the rules of this game will change later. But I'm playing it now, and then there will be some other, more fun game that will provide me with a new experience, and will not force me to do nothing for weeks. And so it will be in any case, since "sometime later" I will somehow pass a solid part of the game.
So yes, you're right. I play at a pace that suits me and enjoy playing here and now. And the people I talked to are tired and unhappy. And you tell me, "Wait, maybe things will get better"? :) Well... :) Wait :) Maybe you will.
I just saw you dissecting mechanics of the game and sharing your thoughts about it - and all I wanted was to point out that your experience will be significantly different from that of allmost everyone else playing this. Both because of speeding up and because there's pretty much no chance (barring development of the game being ceased) game will be in the same state it currently is by the time people get to the point you're at. And sure, I have no idea whatsoever what's the planned pace of the lategame is, I just think that what's currently is there is a very poor indicator to judge by.
And as I said, I'm not trying to step on your toes and say that "you're playing the game wrong" or some silly shit like that. Just that unless you have a scrying eye directly into the dev's mind - you can't know if he wants cycles to last for days, weeks, months or years. Idle games are slow by definition so if he wants the game to be a slow burn - it's still pretty hard to tell just how slow. And for what's it's worth I'm enjoying the current pace of my prestiges being in the range of 3-6 days.
In fact, this is called extrapolation and is not something special. If you watch the twelve episodes of the detective, you can assume with a high degree of probability that the thirteenth will also be a detective, and not an erotic thriller, for example :) So it is still possible to judge the intentions of the developer with some degree of certainty. At least I'm sure he won't make a shooter out of this game :) Moreover, analyzing the existing state, I observe an excellent balance between the components. That is, all the components of this game make up a more or less integral system, and not a disparate set of elements. And based on this fact, I assume that future components will also be built into this system. In our case, this means at least a similar gameplay speed.
As for the components by which I estimate the speed sometime later, you just haven't seen them yet and therefore don't understand what I'm talking about. That is, yes, I would agree with you if I just talked about the speed of progress of the village. It depends on many factors and I could well have missed some of them, which theoretically would have allowed me to raise the speed by an order of magnitude (or even two! :) ). But I'm talking about simpler and more predictable things. Keys! Exactly one in a week. And for it, I can get about a third of the resource I need for one upgrade. Three weeks for one upgrade! :) And there is no way to increase the speed. Well, except to buy three keys from a merchant for crystals. Once a month. Now here are the very events. One event once a year. There's no way to speed it up either. Are these two points enough for you?
And where it depends on me - there is darkness at all :) There, the person above at the 93rd level of the Horde fills the tank in three days. I went a little further. And the game writes to me ~11.35Kd :) Man! Yes, I'm three hands "for" that I'm wrong :) That somewhere I misunderstood something, played the wrong way, and in general - an idiot. But I've bought everything I can, the capacity doesn't allow any more, prestige upgrades are bought once a week, and it's still decades before the scale is filled :)
And, finally, I will also complain :) And then everyone complains, why am I worse? In the Gas Giant, gas is immediately a prestigious currency and is mined immediately there, without the need for prestige. And it is not spent, but gives a passive bonus. But you can also spend on some game upgrades. And here I accidentally misskliked and hit the "Max" button at the upgrade for the prestigious currency :) And that's it! Minus half of the helium I've been mining for six months :) For one mouse miss :) That's why I'm touched by people who can't get some kind of reward for the event :) Grief and suffering, yes :) They won't get a plus! :)
Snowball event is bad, if you made build mistakes you've bricked the entire event for yourself because rerolling for 50 snowballs a pop is painfully inefficient. Another great seasonal event justifying save file encryption, I'd absolutely be save editing a clear if I could, lol. Love to wait a whole year so I can just copy paste the discord build the sweats have figured out, fantastic design ethos. Also someone is saying that no matter how much you optimize you can only get 100 or so tokens? Amazing stuff.
e.: I'd also like to point out that since these seasonal events are not fully clearable in a single run it contradicts the game statement that there's "No pressure to play daily and no FOMO". I'd argue that if you want to be pedantic, sure, you CAN eventually get everything. But I look at the reward screen for a season event, realize I can /maybe/ get one piece this year if I cop to the correct strat, and then I /feel like I'm missing out/ because I have to wait, at bare minimum, a WHOLE YEAR to try again.
Heh. Yes, this event is at least understandable :) But in the previous one, resources were extracted... somehow. With an incomprehensible speed and strange variations during the day. Moreover, you could start producing a resource only by collecting a certain thing from a certain leaf. With a 40% chance. So in fact you could spend a week (out of two) to just start playing this :)
So yes. There's a problem with events here. The feeling of missed opportunities is an integral part of it. On the other hand, you won't get anything critical in the events. Artifacts that increase something by 15 percent. Well, except for the treasures of the 6th shooting gallery, which can not be reached in any way yet. That yes. But in this event I managed to see three. Beauty gain, Flower gain, Vegetable gain. In about a ten approaches. So I suspect there is also a division of awards for different events :)
Oh, yeah. And in your reasoning, you completely ignore the fact that the game is designed for years. Now I don't have time to explain why, but after the opening of the cryolab, the village's gaming sessions, for example, become twice as long time after time. So if before that they took me 3-7 days, then after five restarts this one week turned into 10 months for me last time :) It's inevitable. This is the most profitable way with the available mechanics. So in total, I will have to spend either two or three years on the village. It's not clear yet. And during these three years, it will be possible to sort out the events somehow :)
I do not feel the game should design towards resets that take that long. I saw below that you heavily leaned on the School system and the dust that lets you timeskip, but the game explicitly sets that to be an optional system because most people don't want to spend time on repetitive minigames. And if resets are starting to creep past the week point it means that progression should be looked at - is that a wall, is that the end of currently available content, is progression tuned right, etc... - because I don't see the point in the game degenerating into something I only check in on once a week or so. That's a recipe for loss of interest. Like, there are a lot of really good idle games that respect player's time investment and that tend towards the 24-48 hour check in timer for a very good reason, all throughout their content.
I understand however that GooBoo is in a constant state of flux regarding progression tuning so who knows where it will end up, but I was 100% among those people who saw the timer tuning on the recent Farm change and recoiled. It was nice that the dev undid some of that but still, idk if I really like the idea that resets are to be pushed out into a sort of week+ timeframe if the player doesn't lean on the School feature.
As to events, well, I don't agree with the philosophy that "you'll get everything in 3 to 4 years". That's insane design to me. Why not have the events rewards obtainable in a give loop of an event and just iterate or add slight expansion content on the next year? Or hell, just one and done it. Because it's very demoralizing to me to be like "oh yeah when events roll around wait for 48 hours then follow a Discord guide precisely and then return again for the same thing over the course of several years". I'm sorry, that's really bad.
Let me tell you about a funny thing. Horde mode. In it, as everywhere else, there are various very tasty cards. They give where 25, where 30, and where as much as 50% to something. Beauty! And among all the cards there is one small, almost imperceptible one. Backpack Check.
The average price of it, as it is easy to calculate 15 / 0.05813 = 258 crystals. Considering that the horde sessions by this time last 5-7 months - almost free :) At the same time, each such card allows us to equip one additional thing. And here's what things are at this level. This is what accumulated during the time I was testing this idea and writing this text :)
Each Mystical Card increases damage, health and bone gain by 1.1 times. Total 1.1 to the power of 13 = 3.45. 345%! Against 25-50 for other cards :) And at the same time, we do not forget that things, among other things, also give an effect, in particular, the specified Fire Orb gives 80% Crit Damage, which doubles the damage with a crit of 160%, plus we do not forget about 200+ attacks. A little, but also a plus to the damage.
Here is such a funny card. I don't understand why we need something else :)
Heh. At the University I received the Knowledge of the Ancients. They allow you to skip time not only in one feature like the Ancient hourglass, but in the entire game as a whole. Well... here :) Somehow so ... I've been playing somewhere for two years now :)
Wouldn't "Corruption Not Allowed" and "Into the Trash" be a better combo for this? It'd give three equipment capacity and also reduce corruption as an additional small bonus. And using your math for the cost, 19.16/0.1375 = 139 green gem cost for "Corruption Not Allowed" and 19.16/0.055 = 347 green gem cost.
139 + 347 = 486 average cost for the two cards, which is less than double the cost of "Backpack Check" for an additional equipment slot. I agree that Backpack Check is weirdly powerful, but I think that more powerful strategies exist if you look at the farther down packs, especially using "Corruption Not Allowed" to compensate for the additional corruption.
Here! Here is finally a person who attentively studies mechanics! :) Man, I almost love you! And yes, of course you're right, it's better. Thanks for the advice :) At the next launch, I will definitely use it :)
However, then the question arises what to equip for an additional two places... I put all the garbage in these 12. But it's still better to have than not to have :)
The note on unlocking pickaxe enhancement seems to be outdated - it says it needs 10 bars but we actually need 50? unless there's something I'm not understanding, since I haven't done any enhancements yet
You misunderstood :) Enchantment consists of two stages:
1) You fill the enchantment scale with ANY ingots. "Any" is usually aluminum :)
2) You enchant the pickaxe with the material you need.
And the prices increase separately. 50 is the first price for filling. 10 is the first price for the enchantment of each individual metal. Actually, that's why aluminum is spent on filling. I don't think you'll find ten thousand platinum :) But a tenner for enchantment is quite enough.
Somewhere around 120-150 per day. And some more from each defeated opponent. If you do not spend topaz, then in 3-5 days you will be able to defeat 23-25 enemies and that's it. This will give you 95-120 tokens, for which you can buy either a cheap artifact or several cards in the store. At the same time, the remaining two weeks of events will not help you in any way. Even if you buy boosters for all the snowballs, the most you can do is get a small chance to kill another opponent (say, if you are very lucky with the crits), which will give you another dozen tokens for which you can buy... fertilizer :)
Minor correction: you get them passively at the same rate you would get topaz gems. So you can just take the base 24 per day and then add your generation % to find out how much you get (I get 80.16 for instance).
Yes, you're right. Exactly the same value :) And, since we are talking about mathematics here, I will explain why it will not be possible to achieve new results after 3-5 days. Prices for characteristics and things are growing exponentially. So as soon as you get the first 3-4 sources of the resource and miss 2-3 days (including boosters), you will not get any further. It will take several tens of days to get the next level. So you don't have to persist - if you have enough for an artifact, take it and rejoice. If not, take the cards.
Yeah, so far seems like event tokens are frontloaded, kinda opposite of the Halloween event. I guess I'll try to hoard up snowballs for experimenting with mass rerolls, maybe there's an Exodia hidden in some combination of items. Though doesn't seem like it's the case with what I've seen atm.
I don't quite understand what exactly you want to do, but keep in mind - tokens are reset at the beginning of the event. It is at the beginning - after the end that you can still buy something in the store with the remaining ones. But at the beginning of the event, his tokens and all his progress are reset to zero.
Oh, yeah. Actually, the best strategy is to take Tap, immediately buy boosters for all the snowballs to raise the Loot rating, defeat five more opponents to get the remaining sources of resources, buy a boost again or wait a day. Raise all the characteristics and repeat the process 4 times :)
As for the best set of things... My best result is a set of crits. A few Chill for the crits. Multiple Targets to boost the crits for each attack. Several Coffees for the heal by crites. Pebbles for stun by crit. A few Shields to protect and something to attack. And if you collect all this, you can beat two more opponents! :D What will give us, in the end, a dozen fertilizers :)
Read the description carefully. Salt appears only at those levels where there is exactly one type of ore. So it is there further, just much further :) And yes, learn to read descriptions. Then there will be more and more tricky ores and minerals.
And? I'm currently mining helium and I can't check when salt appears, but it does. Well, yes, the gap is big and what? Man, I've been mining helium for two months now and I still can't buy the first upgrade, my village can be dumped somewhere after 8-10 months of play (it won't make any sense before), my damn statue is being built for two weeks! One statue! And only an eighth out of ten, and the construction time doubles every time. That is, only the statues will take almost two months in total. And here you are lamenting the fact that your salt is being extracted too slowly :) Be patient! You were warned from the very beginning that it would take a long time :)
For anyone else who got their save erased from itch switching their CDN, you can retrieve it by going to the old url (or just https://v6p9d9t4.ssl.hwcdn.net - it’ll just be an error message but it’ll work for our purposes) and open dev tools, go to the “Application” tab, select the link inside “Local Storage”, and then filter for “goobooSavefile”. Copy that text and put it in a text document (e.g. using notepad.exe), and import it back on this webpage. You’ll have your save back!
I just use them for instant max pickaxe crafting, or when I need to instantly get an infusion of prestige currency to push through a bottleneck to unlock new uppgrades for example.
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we haven't had an update in 5 months and now we're reducing the frequency of updates?
Tendsty is really just saying not to expect an update every week or less like we used to have. The break between future updates should be MUCH shorter than this one.
Where do I check corruption level?
What does nostalgia even do?
Nostalgia increases your chance of receiving an heirloom from a miniboss by 0.1%.
Nostalgia bonus is affected by heirloom chance multipliers, such as Advanced Luck.
Each time you gain an heirloom while you have a Nostalgia, you lose 1 Nostalgia.
You regain all Nostalgia when you prestige.
What is money in the gallery based off of?
Total beauty gained over the reset. 1 trillion beauty for 10 cash, and the formula is:
10^(sqrt(log10(beauty / 100B)))
ex. 1Qa beauty needed for 100 cash, 10Qi beauty needed for 1,000 cash, 100Sp beauty needed for 10,000 cash.
Spending beauty does NOT reduce cash gained from reset
I've found a bug in bloom event: it doesn't always autosell the lowest flower. I had 10-5-4-3-1-0 + 1 empty slot, and after breeding (flower L7 with splitting gene) I got 10-4-3-1-0-6-6.
UPD: from my observations, it removes lvl just below one it tries to add first and then searches down to lvl 1. Probably invalid search loop direction...
should be
I created a PR in the source repo to fix this. The code you suggest seems to be the minimized source, not the source from the repo.
how do i load my save
but what file edit: nvm i just never saved manually before
As for me, the game didn't load autosave a couple of times. Restarting the game helped once. The other one didn 't help ) Therefore, manual saving is important. No wonder the game constantly reminds you of him. You are not the first person to face a similar problem. And the answer will be the same. Save manually. Just in case.
How do you get more Tower keys in the Horde? I see them in the Merchant shop, but that's not a reliable way of getting them. Also 450 Topaz per key is expensive.
Ok, maybe 450 Topaz per key is not that bad)
A little advice. Enter the tower when your maximum achieved zone is at least 30-50 levels higher than the requirements for the first floor of the tower.
You're a lot farther along than I am (I left my 'time machine' back in Trimps) , but at the 'just recently unlocked towers' point I wouldn't advocate waiting that long.
Even a few of a new type of heirloom make a massive difference, and there are some to be found in the towers. Add in the mild bonus of the low hanging attack/health crown-bought boosts, and I think it makes sense to burn a few keys pretty quickly.
I think once out of curiosity everyone will launch the tower as soon as they get access to it :) I meant not to waste the keys going through 10-20 levels of the tower. After all, the main bonuses in them are every 50th level.
Am i just dumb? How do i see what heirlooms I have?? I see that I get them but I can't see what they do
They're in the "Souls" tab of Horde, under the prestige information.
Yeah, that took me a while to figure out. Parts of the "horde" UI need some work.
Overall, it doesn't quite meet the dev's stated goal of "detailed explanations about mechanics in-game" yet :)
I said this before, and I will say it now: if a thousand people understood the explanation, but one did not, you do not need to adjust everything to this one. It is much more profitable not to pay attention to him. Or throw it away. Or shoot him. Depending on the situation.
Can anyone explain (or point me to a place that explains) what exactly Corrupted flesh is doing (and what the cleaning ritual is doing?)
Corrupted Flesh feeds the Cleaning Ritual, which lowers Corruption. Corruption goes up each Horde level, and if it's in the positive (IE you haven't been able to keep up with it via the Cleaning Ritual or other Corruption lowering perks) the enemies gain a bonus to their attack and defense. If it gets high enough they start getting bonus special abilities.
So, Corruption is a pacing mechanic to keep rapid-repeat prestiging from being super-viable.
Amazing explanation - thank you!
just as a random idea, i think it would be cool if we could salvage unnecessary duplicates of cards to gain something, like a resource called “paper shreds” or something and they can be used to increase the chance of unlocking new cards.
again, just a thought but it would be cool
In general, cards are needed to use them during rebirth. And those cards that are not used in this way are immediately automatically exchanged for gems. Where did you manage to find the unnecessary cards? :)
am i missing something? i don’t seem to understand what precious stones are or even how to obtain them
A. I'm sorry. This is the heavy legacy of the Google translator :) The gems were meant. :)
it’s alright man, but again, i have lots of duplicates that i can’t really use right now. I have 34 lurking snake cards and i was wondering if there was something i could do with the mass amount of duplicates i have.
Ok. I will answer in detail.
1) I agree that the excess of something that you got through hard work is annoying. You've been working so hard, and now he's just lying there useless. It's infuriating!
2) "It's going to be good." Alas, this does not work in game development. No one knows if an idea will work or not. Completely incomprehensible things are gaining popularity. If there was a way to predict this in advance, we would only play super popular games :) So you actually said, "I think it's going to be good." And this is the opinion of a single person. No one here supported you. It's just a fact. Without ratings.
3) Personally, I think it would be much better if the game got more content, rather than ending abruptly like a behemoth :) Between a strange unverified idea and a thing that prevents absolutely every player from playing the game, anyone will choose the latter, agree :) But the author has not pampered us with updates for several months now. It's not up to your ideas anymore. To get what you need, we will think about what we want later :)
I've thought about your idea some more. In order for your proposed mechanics to work, and not just be a strange way to delete cards, you need to constantly buy new useless cards. Do you have any gems for that? Does anyone have one? :) Emeralds, when they appear, can always be spent on treasures. Of course, there comes a point when it becomes pointless to spend them there, but by this point, believe me, you absolutely don't care how many extra cards you have. Check out the discussions below. The Horde, for example, passes under very specific cards. No one cares how many extra cards you get while you're mining these. If one rebirth lasts for six months, you will have more than enough emeralds for it :)
I'm not sure what you mean by exchanging cards for gems either. Is this a "later game" ability? I'm global level 466 and I have no such option.
This is not an option. Extra cards from decks that improve the capacity of gems immediately turn into gems. These are decks Precious jewelry, Weeked trip, Cold times.
Ah, those are event decks though, so not really the same situation as the ones you can spam buy every day.
Captain Obvious? In response to "those cards that are not used in this way", you say "not really the same situation"? Well, as a wise man once said: "In life, everything is not as it really is."
Still a quite lovely game. My favorite non-ending idle / incremental on the site thus far.
Equipment mastery gain, as displayed in the tool-tip, is wrong. I'm seeing things like 681 pts for a boss a level, and 3.55 pts (5%) for a miniboss. 5 percent of 681 is 34.15, significantly higher than advertised. Minibosses are either giving approximately (but not exactly) tenth of the intended mastery points or the tooltip is misdisplaying the income rate.
It's most definetly a display bug:
I'm at a point where it would literally take me almost a century to gain a level with default value. And just to be sure I checked how mastery changed when a miniboss was killed - and it indeed gave me ~7k exp
Something's up with Sigil: Recovery. It doesn't replenish 35% like it says, it restores *all* of an enemy's health
Is it me or does the moonglow upgrade on the event do nothing? None of my production seems to have increased.
It does work, if you compare total gain of different producers and the actual rate at which you accumulate light - you'll notice that the latter is much faster. It just doesn't get taken into account in UI for whatever reason.
I'm definitely accumulating light faster after upgrading it, just can't see the numbers in the UI anywhere
Yeah, event UI doesn't show you all information but all buffs are working.
I thought so too but I checked how fast I was getting light before and after purchasing the second upgrade and it does work. Seemed like tripling the input would be more noticeable lol.
The Enhancement function on your pick could use some better explanation.
Why do blueberries give apples in the farm function?
I think you're confused. Hover over the "apple" icon. Carrots give vegetables, and blueberries give fruit.
Does anyone know what unlocks the card pack used for the top row of Dangers in the Dark series beyond the first card in the top left? Also, what unlocks the bottom right card pack in the Feeding the World series?
they unlock at certain milestone (I couldn't remember when exactly). For Dangers in the dark the next pack is from Mining, I think it unlocks around 145m, and for Feeding the World the pack is from Horde, after zone 75 iirc.
I'm just past that point with Mining, and waaay past that point with Horde, tho. Still locked.
I think you have to buy the pack once in order to remove the lock from blank cards and see the odds. Dangers in the dark need cards from "Danger Zone" pack. For feeding the world I have no idea, I also have the last card locked.
I've determined what unlocks the Danger Zone pack: Unlocking Resin in Mining.
When/how does that happen
I feel like there really should be a note hinting about obsidian. I stumbled upon it by complete accident, the only thing to give away it's existence is the "Scanning" upgrade's unknown resource requirement (and even then I assumed that it might be the next smeltery bar, just kinda misplaced in terms of progression)
And it is! :) As well as joy, for example :) You just need to find the obsidian itself first :)
Well, duh, but it's the finding out it exists in the first place that's the problem. It is kinda similar to joy, but atleast you learn resource's name from faith upgrade and even if you don't know what to do exactly to aquire it - you're gonna stumble upon it naturally because happiness is great and you want as much of it as possible. With obsidian you have to intentionally hinder yourself. Every other rare earth so far was discovered automatically (except for granite, which does come with a note containing direct instructions on how to get it)
I'm sorry, I don't quite catch the general idea of your statement. Do you agree that this is not the first mysterious resource in the game? That these are the resources that are definitely there, as they are required for upgrades, but the player does not know how to get them - there are more than one in the game. So it makes sense to talk about the systemic nature of the phenomenon. And now I will say again what I am being ignored on this resource over and over again :) And the author knows! He is not an idiot, and he, for example, guessed that three or four years. necessary to complete this game, no one will play it. They'll quit sooner. That one key per week is catastrophically small. That events with a frequency of a year break the players' brains. At least he suspected all this. And he built it into the game anyway. He has some kind of his own vision of the gameplay. And I don't exactly approve of him. I rather hold the position that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Especially the creators. Especially those who are really good at something.
So I'll repeat my thought. I'm a little confused about the purpose of your outrage. I don't believe the author will change this in any way. This is not a mistake, it is an inconvenience, and a pre-punishable inconvenience, which makes it possible to think that this was intended. It's been four months since the release, haven't you figured out exactly what you're playing yet? :)
Jesus man, I don't know if it was the intent here, but you sound almost antagonistic towards the dude making this game. I really don't think there is any sort of malicious intent here, most likely just an oversight. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if a note does exist, just placed to far ahead (I already encountered a couple of notes in obviously incorrect places, most likely due to moving stuff around in previous updates, like the reworked horde for example).
And yeah, I have no idea what kind of tomfoolery awaits me further ahead (cannot even begin to guess what the hell the keys are that you mentioned) but I really like and vibe with what I've seen so far. So I'm just leaving feedback (the first sentence of the first post is pretty much the whole gist of it)
To be honest, I don't see a problem. Well, judge for yourself: the longer you play, the faster you run through the starting levels. And the moment when you get to the 150th without improving the pickaxe is inevitable. Everything depends only on the player's attentiveness, multiplied by his own laziness. There is nothing to remind you about, Scanning will not let the player forget that he did not find obsidian. There is no need to prompt here - from time to time the player must think for himself. There is nothing to fix here because fixing something that is not broken is a very bad decision. There is, in fact, no subject for discussion here. The only thing is, someone may want to take the easy way and ask for advice from those who have already solved this problem. Actually, I gave you this advice from the very beginning, without really understanding what exactly you want. People constantly want strange things, and when they want it, they also want it on New Year's morning and in a different language...
And yes, I really don't understand something in this world. I'm saying that the author is smart. I'm saying he's prudent. I'm saying that he is able to predict the consequences of his actions. I'm saying he created a great game. I admit that I respect his (and not only his, however) right to self-expression and to have his own opinion. And after all this, it turns out that I sound hostile towards the author? :)
It’s been over a month since the last activity on github. Have you abandoned this game already?
Tendsty mentioned on discord that he want to take it slow with next update (hence the 1.4 debuff to some parts of the game)
Apparently people can easily read what's changed next update, to avoid that he's working on secret instead
Fair enough! Thanks for letting us know :)
Np :D also the patreon page is updated with more sneak peak every few days.
I'm hoping this will be a big one!
Any idea if this game is still being updated?
That doesn’t actually answer the question
This is all the information I had on the question. And this is all the information that anyone has had to answer on this issue. Do you criticize? So you have something to add to my answer? Well, add it! And idiots who scold everything, but do nothing to fix it - the Internet is full.
Learn the basics. "Criticizing is offering" is a basic principle.
You can click on his patreon profile and see that the last post was a couple of days ago. Which you can't open unless you dish out some moolah - but you can ascertain that he's alive and kicking. Regardless, just let him cook, he doesn't owe us pumping out content on a tight schedule (or any schedule at all for that matter).
:D You be careful. To tell some that no one owes them anything is a violation of the world order! It's like telling children that a fat man in red clothes and with a white beard is not real! :D You're just a villain :)
What is cash gain based on? Can't figure it out.
I checked the whole game twice. I did not find the currency "cash". Perhaps that's why there are so many answers here?
Prestige currency for the gallery is called cash.
Oh, this one. I'm sorry :) I have it frozen forever, so I haven't found it yet :) So what's the question? The further you go, the more they give you. Whether for the amount of Inspiration, or for the amount of Beauty. But since these are directly related things, it is difficult to find out exactly. More precisely, lazily :) But in any case, the universal rule already works. "The further I went, the more I got."
I found this in the code - looks like it's based on 10^(sqrt(log10(beauty / 100B)))
prestigeGain: (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) => {
if (rootState.stat.gallery_beauty.value < buildNum(1, 'T')) {
return 0;
return Math.floor(rootGetters['mult/get']('currencyGalleryCashGain', Math.pow(10, Math.pow(logBase(rootState.stat.gallery_beauty.value / buildNum(100, 'B'), 10), 0.5))));
the snow event really is just pure garbage its almost over and i still am not getting near enough resourced to actually progress beyond battle 23
As I said two weeks ago "in 3-5 days you will be able to defeat 23-25 enemies and that's it. This will give you 95-120 tokens". It turns out that I was not mistaken :)
One thing that I figured out a little to late is that resource producers don't scale linearly. Don't know how much exactly you get with each subsequent one, but it's definetly some sort of multiplier. Doesn't help that there's nowhere in the UI that shows your income. So I think the best strat would be to pick only water, upgrade loot rating a shitton of time, then reroll everything into crit producers, get a buch of crit rating and then reroll all producers again, this time into snow. All while picking every crit related combat item you can.
Too bad that this can only help in hindsight. I personally picked the producers evenly, which is probably the worst thing you can do.
i distributed evenly to
It doesn't matter :) Invest about 3k topaz and you will get enough tokens to buy anything. That's how it's all meant to be, in theory.
you cant gain topaz during the event
You could have stockpiled this topaz before.
The costs scale to basically unachievable levels after not that many upgrades though, I don't think it would be worth the snow rerolling producers multiple times. Maybe once to farm up loot rating at the start, which is basically mandatory to get very far, but after that a more balanced distribution will get you maybe 1-2 fewer upgrades in each thing without being a hassle and a big drain on snow. Then you have a lot more chances to repeat fights or reroll bad loot / fix your build. By the mid-20s or so producers become irrelevant, you just pump them all into 1 or 2 things so you can maybe afford one more upgrade before the event ends, but one loot reroll can take you from barely scratching an enemy wave to progressing easily again.
How to complete best harvest at least 7 general? What does it mean at least 7
Here's the deal... The parts of the task that have already been completed do not have descriptions. Just a checkmark. So the one who knows what to do is not yet sure how, and the one who knows how has already forgotten what to do, Attach a full description of the task. It's better to take a screenshot along with the rest of the panel :)
But offhand, you either need to buy a Harvest upgrade of the 7th level (there seemed to be 8 in total) on the farm, or collect a crop that has sprouted seven times :) But rather, the first or the second is already very cruel :)
It's probably about the level of your crops. you have to raise a crop level until 7, and then prestige
Nah, it's about overgrowing. "Crop level 7" means that you need to gather 700% overgrown crop.
It's about overgrowing. You need to gather plant that have x7 overgrow when you harvest it.
Bros we need a wiki for this game! Anyone know how to increase joy storage? I'm stuck at 250 and see nothing that increases it :(
You need the dopamine upgrade that you get from level 3 Bio lab.
Thank you! I can actually buy up to that if I save up overnight :)
hi, nice concept, and the different parts of the game are great, BUT, the game is not idle
- the penalty for being idle/offline is too great, and without using out of game autoclicker on at least one part/tab and keeping the game running/online, thus having your pc/notebook running 24/7, you are not able to see any meaningful progress.
it is really necessary to give us autoclickers/automation ingame for each part, here my examples what would make it really idle, yet still not lose the strategy part
village - ability to put buildings into queue depending on current max ressources limit, not current reccources - that way you do not need to babysit village all the time and can actually go to sleep/work/holiday and make some progress
- you can make it earnable per building, or producing robots that do it, something like this, or achievement
horde/mining/farm/village - ability to earn autoclicker for abilities and for buying upgrades that you can assign
mining - could be a way to turn scrap into parts and build robots who work on upgrades
horde - building frankenstein familiars from flesh who cast the spells and buy upgrades
farm - giving gnome living water to turn them into automatic garden gnomes who replant and upgrade for you
village - special administrative building where you put workers who keep an eye which part of your vilage needs to be upgraded
all these could be made gradualy permanent after reaching a specific milestones/achievements - yet still have the ability to deactivate them, so you can play actively if you wish, as doing the decisions actively is still much more effective and efficient than idle/offline brainless autohelpers - BUT we could actually shut down the pc/notebook for awhile. :)
Really. Without an autoclicker, I feel like I'm wasting my time here.
can the cryo lab actually help the farm because that would help me out a lot
It gives a passive experience to all plants at once. But only up to the maximum level they have reached. It is a little useful in the later stages, but in general, cryolab has the worst effect on the farm.
How do we complete gardening under generals guys? I'm stuck on farm: best harvest at least 7 (3) and have been for ages. I'm guessing it's overgrowth, but with the changes to the farming timer that seems impossible now even with carrots. I wish I'd done it before the changes!
You should be able to clear it in a day or so with carrot + overgrow gene (lvl 5+ plantation upgrade I think) + fertilizer that has grow time / 2
You have to wait until you have a 800% carrot.
That's 30 + 37.5 + 46.9 + 58.6 + 73.2 + 91.5 + 114.4 + 143 = ~600min = 10h
This is with 400% overgrow
Yes, this would work. Speed-grow for /4 grow time would probably be best. Only takes 5 hours then, very quick. Still need Lvl 5 overgrow gene.
How do you get 400% overgrow? Mine is only 20%. I'll try the overgrow gene though. Also I haven't seen the plantation upgrade yet. I waited 2 days on carrots and got to 348% and gave up.
The upgradable part of overgrowth gene gives you a flat 15 % bonus per level - which is added to your base ovegrowth and then multiplied by 2.5 modifier of the gene itself. So it doesn't really matter if your base overgrowth is small, the gene is gonna do most of the heavy lifting (provided you upgrade it)
Thanks so much! I'll get it setup :)
Anyone else hit a plateau around Horde 90ish? I'm at a point where my bone capacity is way, way, way larger than I could hope to fill in a reasonable amount of time, and it takes about 3 days to fill my corrupted soul capacity. Progression's been pretty slow here; wondering if anyone found any good equipment combos or other strategies to push through. The next upgrade unlock is at 98, and I'm only at 93 so far...
Items, cards and gems. Nothing new. As far as I understand, you are just about to unlock Milestone, which gives *1000 bone capacity for each level.
I took Ancient Wealth and Ancient Spirit for gems. To develop faster.
In the items Shirt, Campfire for survival Toxic Sword, Forbidden Sword for damage and, of course, Red Staff. Actually, it provides maximum damage :) However, for this you need to use his ability as many times as possible. Three days is catastrophically short, unless you will use a cooldown. If there is a sixth slot Club, it gives a huge plus to the damage, though removing the crit. But you can't collect a crit set at 90 levels.
Cards... I wrote just below. You can already level things up in your 90s, but can you improve anything up to level 5? The 5th level will give you *1.7 to attack-defense. So if you can, buy cards, equip things and upgrade them to the 5th.
And the rest... Nostalgia. More, more heirloom! :) Cryolab. You say one session is three days? So you'll get the same amount in cryolabs. But you will get more profit in the future. And, again, gems. Ancient... everything. Cards. Have you collected all the sets? Treasures. Did you buy all the treasures? Generals. Have you gathered all the generals? School. Did you buy all the books?
In general, there is no special secret. Hit this wall with your forehead. Someday it will break :)
Or you can use tactics, the mere mention of which causes unanimous rejection among visitors to this site :) You say your session is 3 days now? Double it! :) During this time, you will gain twice as many bonuses from Red Staff, which will double your attack. This is enough to go one level further. This will increase the capacity of Corrupted Soul by about 30% and their income by almost the same. Play for another day or two and accumulate twice as much Corrupted Soul as usual. Even with a fine. Do the prestige. Now, with the help of cryostasis, you will receive Soul twice as fast. Freeze it for a few days to buy some prestige upgrades. Repeat the procedure :)
This is exactly what I keep saying over and over again :) There is no other tactic except to increase the duration of prestige over and over again. But people tell me to just wait. And the author will fix everything. Absolutely! :) And then, in this bright someday, there will be universal happiness, paradise on earth, and prestige no longer than 1.5 days :)
Thanks, think I'll try longer prestiges for now - unfortunately, without the level 100 heirloom, I probably can't level my equipment mastery in any reasonable period of time, so I'll try to push to there. Other than that, everything else is stuff I've been using already.
I'm pushing through this right now. Given that you posted about two months ago, you've hopefully blown through the blockade.
Good cards help A LOT. There's a +3 equipment card that's perfect for leveling up gear in the Tainted World pack. The extra pieces of gear outclass the x1.25-type bonuses most other cards provide and ought to buy you an extra level or two.
There are a few pieces of gear worth getting to LVL 2 as a priority - Star Shield, Longsword, and Fire Orb spring to mind. The lvl2 boost lets you gain a 50% bonus to the passive, which buys you a lot of division shields and critical hit power. I'd advocate having those active on the "way up" to the levels where you're struggling, since the boss fights grant the most XP fastest. In fact, I'd consider a handful of taunt-heavy no-card runs since the point where these early equipment items start gaining XP is so low. Those extra rounds without damage from the division shields and pushing Crits above 100% chance has a HUGE advantage - you'll soon find one in six hits or so doing over quadruple damage, which beats any of the active equipment attacks.
I burn most of my school bonuses on Horde. It helps - a bunch of extra levels to things you only need to buy once and you've got another x2 or so to damage and health. Gems spent on tripling the efficacy of heirlooms are generally well spent, too.
You should be able to get the Corrupted Soul Capacity up to seven to ten days worth with a bit of patience. Then, with MORE patience, cap it once at that ridiculous value. Now your Cryo will be vastly more productive than being active, at least for a while (this is what I'm working on at the moment). While you're waiting for the CS to hit cap, remember : Minibosses at any level have the same CS drop, based on your highest Horde level hit (since prestige, I think). So if you can barely squeeze through to a high-nineties value level, then back off to a lower level where you can comfortably get 1-hit-kills. That way you can use all your equipment that boosts Miniboss spawning and drops and still wipe them out reliably. Every day or two, check to see if you've got enough bones to squeeze out another level, each of which should cut a day or so off the time-til-max-CS.
Yup, pushed past it, but your advice here is great and is generally what I did (sans star shield/fire orb). The good news is progression speeds up quite a bit once you hit 110 or so! At some point, you can hit 100% heirloom drop chance by using Power of Science plus a few more heirloom chance cards, so that's nice to linger on for a while too :P
Well, since the question has arisen more than once, I will tell you where such terrible numbers of prestige durations come from. When I saw cryolab for the first time, I immediately wrote here that it was some kind of exploit. Actually, I was almost right :) But the devil is in the details.
See. Let's say I earned X faith in a week of playing. Restarted prestige. My income is now X/7 per day. Freeze it in a cryolab for a week. A couple of days at 25%, then 27, then 29... In a week we will get somewhere 1.8*X and the second level of cryostasis, which will give us income and a reserve of faith * 1.2 and 2% of passive income. Passive income, though pleasant, is not enough. But 1.8 is serious, in order to at least match this income next time I had to spend about 8-9 days in the village. Even taking into account the purchased upgrades and the 1.2 bonus from cryolab. And so, after 9 days, what should I do? Reset to get the same amount? Stupidly. So I waited another five days and ended up with about 6X. That's better. In order not to be confused, I will denote this figure as X1,
In total, my income is now X1/14, which is three times more than X. That's just if you freeze it, In a week I will get somewhere 2 * X1, that is, the speed is already four times higher than with an active game. Moreover, after a week of freezing, I will receive the third level, and 3% * 14 is already 42% of the main income. Also a little, but already a decent figure. And of course, in order to somehow compensate for the opportunity to receive four times the income through freezing, I play so much to get at least 10 times more. As a result, it turns out twice as long as in the last session, that is, a month.
And then, I think you understand :) Each subsequent session is twice as long as the previous one. At the same time, even passive income begins to exceed the active one at times, not to mention the income from freezing. My last session lasted 300+ days. And at the 7th level of cryostasis, I now receive 7% of passive income. 0.07*300=21. That is, passively I get 21 times more than actually in the game. And if you freeze it - at 117.
Of course, you can ask why then prestige is needed at all. Well, if you didn't follow the reasoning very closely :) And the prestige reset is needed to increase the damn X. After all, even though I get a lot of faith passively and can buy a lot of upgrades, their prices are growing exponentially. And still not enough :) Always! :)
However, thanks to the creativity of the developer, each mode has its own ways of tightening. On a gas giant, you just need to cut through a pile of waste rock. And the further - the more. In each prestige, the starting session lasts longer and longer. Not to mention the main one. There are keys in the horde. One a week is powerful :) At the same time, of course, soon one key (more precisely, the resources extracted with it) will not be enough for anything. And we will already need 2, 3, 5, etc. keys for new upgrades :) The gallery, of course, is "pleasing" in this regard. Because of the funny icon "end of content, wait for new updates", the game moves into the real world altogether. We are waiting here, this time is no longer squandered :) And the farm alone does not strain us with expectations. Well, just think, the grass growing for a week is a trifle not worth attention! :)
So yes, I will repeat my thought, even though the people below didn't like it. We were warned that this is for a long time! :D
Man, you gotta realise that with your magnificent power of time travel (and I ain't berating you for it or anything, you can play however the hell you want) comes the downside of seeing stuff that is in a placeholder state or downright missing, since it doesn't make sense to develop and balance parts of the game which nobody could reach legit at the moment. So by the time people approach the point where prestige cycles last months: there might be new upgrades, features and balance changes to make it not so.
But at the same time, this may be what the developer is intending: idle gameplay. Every update they've done (School, then Hordes, then Village/Farm) was made to make the game more idle and extend available content. While it will still be an incremental, it seems the end goal is effectively a check-in game. I don't want this, personally, and would prefer if resets stay between 3 and 7 days or so.
This isn't really that urgent, as I don't think the effects will be that bad until like a month or two from now, but at some point some small changes to address this would be nice.
I don't quite understand why you're telling me this. Look: people are upset about the duration of the processes in the game. Different processes and already now, after playing for a couple of months. And I totally agree with them, but unlike them, I solved this problem for myself and now I'm playing this game a little faster. And knowing more about the game than those who have just encountered these difficulties, I say, in fact, two things:
1) It will be MUCH worse.
2) That one long process that a person complains about is part of the whole system. Literally every aspect of this game is designed for years.
I'm not saying it's good at all. Otherwise, I wouldn't be tormented with missing time. But these are the rules we were WARNED about. We all agreed in advance to play on them. And now suddenly it turns out that someone does not agree. Well, if you don't like it, don't play! :) Or change the rules of the game. Which, in fact, is what the people I am addressing are doing. They are trying to force the developer to change the rules of the game for them. In fact, there is only a tiny difference between us: I solve the found problem on my own, and they want someone else to solve it for them.
And you seem to be saying everything correctly: the game is still in development and the rules may change (especially under user pressure). But personally, I would prefer that the developer spent this time adding new content than changing the old one, which works quite well. Because, for example, the Gallery is now a very poor game. There are only three simple mechanics and four months of gameplay. With three mechanics that have no novelty. The gallery is now impossibly boring, and as for me, it would be better for the developer to finish it than to change what works.
So yeah, I don't understand why you're telling me what you're saying. Living in a world of winning early accesses, it is impossible not to learn to live with them. In fact, very few games in early access that had quite a lot of content are replayed by players later. Especially idle Games :) Especially, designed for months of play and more. I don't know about you, but I haven't played releases of a whole bunch of great games just because I've already played enough of early access. And I'm not interested in playing the same thing, but with small additions. Even though it has become better, more convenient, more enjoyable, more content, etc. So yes, maybe the rules of this game will change later. But I'm playing it now, and then there will be some other, more fun game that will provide me with a new experience, and will not force me to do nothing for weeks. And so it will be in any case, since "sometime later" I will somehow pass a solid part of the game.
So yes, you're right. I play at a pace that suits me and enjoy playing here and now. And the people I talked to are tired and unhappy. And you tell me, "Wait, maybe things will get better"? :) Well... :) Wait :) Maybe you will.
I just saw you dissecting mechanics of the game and sharing your thoughts about it - and all I wanted was to point out that your experience will be significantly different from that of allmost everyone else playing this. Both because of speeding up and because there's pretty much no chance (barring development of the game being ceased) game will be in the same state it currently is by the time people get to the point you're at. And sure, I have no idea whatsoever what's the planned pace of the lategame is, I just think that what's currently is there is a very poor indicator to judge by.
And as I said, I'm not trying to step on your toes and say that "you're playing the game wrong" or some silly shit like that. Just that unless you have a scrying eye directly into the dev's mind - you can't know if he wants cycles to last for days, weeks, months or years. Idle games are slow by definition so if he wants the game to be a slow burn - it's still pretty hard to tell just how slow. And for what's it's worth I'm enjoying the current pace of my prestiges being in the range of 3-6 days.
In fact, this is called extrapolation and is not something special. If you watch the twelve episodes of the detective, you can assume with a high degree of probability that the thirteenth will also be a detective, and not an erotic thriller, for example :) So it is still possible to judge the intentions of the developer with some degree of certainty. At least I'm sure he won't make a shooter out of this game :) Moreover, analyzing the existing state, I observe an excellent balance between the components. That is, all the components of this game make up a more or less integral system, and not a disparate set of elements. And based on this fact, I assume that future components will also be built into this system. In our case, this means at least a similar gameplay speed.
As for the components by which I estimate the speed sometime later, you just haven't seen them yet and therefore don't understand what I'm talking about. That is, yes, I would agree with you if I just talked about the speed of progress of the village. It depends on many factors and I could well have missed some of them, which theoretically would have allowed me to raise the speed by an order of magnitude (or even two! :) ). But I'm talking about simpler and more predictable things. Keys! Exactly one in a week. And for it, I can get about a third of the resource I need for one upgrade. Three weeks for one upgrade! :) And there is no way to increase the speed. Well, except to buy three keys from a merchant for crystals. Once a month. Now here are the very events. One event once a year. There's no way to speed it up either. Are these two points enough for you?
And where it depends on me - there is darkness at all :) There, the person above at the 93rd level of the Horde fills the tank in three days. I went a little further. And the game writes to me ~11.35Kd :) Man! Yes, I'm three hands "for" that I'm wrong :) That somewhere I misunderstood something, played the wrong way, and in general - an idiot. But I've bought everything I can, the capacity doesn't allow any more, prestige upgrades are bought once a week, and it's still decades before the scale is filled :)
And, finally, I will also complain :) And then everyone complains, why am I worse? In the Gas Giant, gas is immediately a prestigious currency and is mined immediately there, without the need for prestige. And it is not spent, but gives a passive bonus. But you can also spend on some game upgrades. And here I accidentally misskliked and hit the "Max" button at the upgrade for the prestigious currency :) And that's it! Minus half of the helium I've been mining for six months :) For one mouse miss :) That's why I'm touched by people who can't get some kind of reward for the event :) Grief and suffering, yes :) They won't get a plus! :)
Snowball event is bad, if you made build mistakes you've bricked the entire event for yourself because rerolling for 50 snowballs a pop is painfully inefficient. Another great seasonal event justifying save file encryption, I'd absolutely be save editing a clear if I could, lol. Love to wait a whole year so I can just copy paste the discord build the sweats have figured out, fantastic design ethos. Also someone is saying that no matter how much you optimize you can only get 100 or so tokens? Amazing stuff.
e.: I'd also like to point out that since these seasonal events are not fully clearable in a single run it contradicts the game statement that there's "No pressure to play daily and no FOMO". I'd argue that if you want to be pedantic, sure, you CAN eventually get everything. But I look at the reward screen for a season event, realize I can /maybe/ get one piece this year if I cop to the correct strat, and then I /feel like I'm missing out/ because I have to wait, at bare minimum, a WHOLE YEAR to try again.
i think i may have bricked mine to i coudl get out of this problem if i could still get topaz gems durring this but nope those are sealed
Heh. Yes, this event is at least understandable :) But in the previous one, resources were extracted... somehow. With an incomprehensible speed and strange variations during the day. Moreover, you could start producing a resource only by collecting a certain thing from a certain leaf. With a 40% chance. So in fact you could spend a week (out of two) to just start playing this :)
So yes. There's a problem with events here. The feeling of missed opportunities is an integral part of it. On the other hand, you won't get anything critical in the events. Artifacts that increase something by 15 percent. Well, except for the treasures of the 6th shooting gallery, which can not be reached in any way yet. That yes. But in this event I managed to see three. Beauty gain, Flower gain, Vegetable gain. In about a ten approaches. So I suspect there is also a division of awards for different events :)
Oh, yeah. And in your reasoning, you completely ignore the fact that the game is designed for years. Now I don't have time to explain why, but after the opening of the cryolab, the village's gaming sessions, for example, become twice as long time after time. So if before that they took me 3-7 days, then after five restarts this one week turned into 10 months for me last time :) It's inevitable. This is the most profitable way with the available mechanics. So in total, I will have to spend either two or three years on the village. It's not clear yet. And during these three years, it will be possible to sort out the events somehow :)
I do not feel the game should design towards resets that take that long. I saw below that you heavily leaned on the School system and the dust that lets you timeskip, but the game explicitly sets that to be an optional system because most people don't want to spend time on repetitive minigames. And if resets are starting to creep past the week point it means that progression should be looked at - is that a wall, is that the end of currently available content, is progression tuned right, etc... - because I don't see the point in the game degenerating into something I only check in on once a week or so. That's a recipe for loss of interest. Like, there are a lot of really good idle games that respect player's time investment and that tend towards the 24-48 hour check in timer for a very good reason, all throughout their content.
I understand however that GooBoo is in a constant state of flux regarding progression tuning so who knows where it will end up, but I was 100% among those people who saw the timer tuning on the recent Farm change and recoiled. It was nice that the dev undid some of that but still, idk if I really like the idea that resets are to be pushed out into a sort of week+ timeframe if the player doesn't lean on the School feature.
As to events, well, I don't agree with the philosophy that "you'll get everything in 3 to 4 years". That's insane design to me. Why not have the events rewards obtainable in a give loop of an event and just iterate or add slight expansion content on the next year? Or hell, just one and done it. Because it's very demoralizing to me to be like "oh yeah when events roll around wait for 48 hours then follow a Discord guide precisely and then return again for the same thing over the course of several years". I'm sorry, that's really bad.
agreed this event system is terrible no one want to spend years on a single idle game
Answered a similar question in the topic above. Here I will quote only the main thing.
" people are upset about the duration of the processes in the game. ... And I totally agree with them, "
"I say, in fact, two things:
1) It will be MUCH worse from now on.
2) That one long process that a person complains about is part of the whole system. Literally every aspect of this game is designed for years."
Let me tell you about a funny thing. Horde mode. In it, as everywhere else, there are various very tasty cards. They give where 25, where 30, and where as much as 50% to something. Beauty! And among all the cards there is one small, almost imperceptible one. Backpack Check.
The average price of it, as it is easy to calculate 15 / 0.05813 = 258 crystals. Considering that the horde sessions by this time last 5-7 months - almost free :) At the same time, each such card allows us to equip one additional thing. And here's what things are at this level. This is what accumulated during the time I was testing this idea and writing this text :)
Each Mystical Card increases damage, health and bone gain by 1.1 times. Total 1.1 to the power of 13 = 3.45. 345%! Against 25-50 for other cards :) And at the same time, we do not forget that things, among other things, also give an effect, in particular, the specified Fire Orb gives 80% Crit Damage, which doubles the damage with a crit of 160%, plus we do not forget about 200+ attacks. A little, but also a plus to the damage.
Here is such a funny card. I don't understand why we need something else :)
How are you progressing so fast?
Heh. At the University I received the Knowledge of the Ancients. They allow you to skip time not only in one feature like the Ancient hourglass, but in the entire game as a whole. Well... here :) Somehow so ... I've been playing somewhere for two years now :)
Wouldn't "Corruption Not Allowed" and "Into the Trash" be a better combo for this? It'd give three equipment capacity and also reduce corruption as an additional small bonus. And using your math for the cost, 19.16/0.1375 = 139 green gem cost for "Corruption Not Allowed" and 19.16/0.055 = 347 green gem cost.
139 + 347 = 486 average cost for the two cards, which is less than double the cost of "Backpack Check" for an additional equipment slot. I agree that Backpack Check is weirdly powerful, but I think that more powerful strategies exist if you look at the farther down packs, especially using "Corruption Not Allowed" to compensate for the additional corruption.
Here! Here is finally a person who attentively studies mechanics! :) Man, I almost love you! And yes, of course you're right, it's better. Thanks for the advice :) At the next launch, I will definitely use it :)
However, then the question arises what to equip for an additional two places... I put all the garbage in these 12. But it's still better to have than not to have :)
A little bug with card inspirations: when reopening the game, all card inspirations are gone T_T
Edit: Headstart(starting inspirations upgrade) also has the same bug.
Edit2: Starting inspirations works normally when picking ideas AFTER bought the epiphany upgrade.
for some reason im not gaining topaz
Topaz isn't gained while a major event is running (such as Snowdown). You're instead currently gaining snowballs.
well then i can tbuy the topaz upgrades that just freaking great
The note on unlocking pickaxe enhancement seems to be outdated - it says it needs 10 bars but we actually need 50? unless there's something I'm not understanding, since I haven't done any enhancements yet
You misunderstood :) Enchantment consists of two stages:
1) You fill the enchantment scale with ANY ingots. "Any" is usually aluminum :)
2) You enchant the pickaxe with the material you need.
And the prices increase separately. 50 is the first price for filling. 10 is the first price for the enchantment of each individual metal. Actually, that's why aluminum is spent on filling. I don't think you'll find ten thousand platinum :) But a tenner for enchantment is quite enough.
do we only get one snowball each day
Somewhere around 120-150 per day. And some more from each defeated opponent. If you do not spend topaz, then in 3-5 days you will be able to defeat 23-25 enemies and that's it. This will give you 95-120 tokens, for which you can buy either a cheap artifact or several cards in the store. At the same time, the remaining two weeks of events will not help you in any way. Even if you buy boosters for all the snowballs, the most you can do is get a small chance to kill another opponent (say, if you are very lucky with the crits), which will give you another dozen tokens for which you can buy... fertilizer :)
Actually, everything :)
Minor correction: you get them passively at the same rate you would get topaz gems. So you can just take the base 24 per day and then add your generation % to find out how much you get (I get 80.16 for instance).
Yes, you're right. Exactly the same value :) And, since we are talking about mathematics here, I will explain why it will not be possible to achieve new results after 3-5 days. Prices for characteristics and things are growing exponentially. So as soon as you get the first 3-4 sources of the resource and miss 2-3 days (including boosters), you will not get any further. It will take several tens of days to get the next level. So you don't have to persist - if you have enough for an artifact, take it and rejoice. If not, take the cards.
Yeah, so far seems like event tokens are frontloaded, kinda opposite of the Halloween event. I guess I'll try to hoard up snowballs for experimenting with mass rerolls, maybe there's an Exodia hidden in some combination of items. Though doesn't seem like it's the case with what I've seen atm.
I don't quite understand what exactly you want to do, but keep in mind - tokens are reset at the beginning of the event. It is at the beginning - after the end that you can still buy something in the store with the remaining ones. But at the beginning of the event, his tokens and all his progress are reset to zero.
Oh, yeah. Actually, the best strategy is to take Tap, immediately buy boosters for all the snowballs to raise the Loot rating, defeat five more opponents to get the remaining sources of resources, buy a boost again or wait a day. Raise all the characteristics and repeat the process 4 times :)
As for the best set of things... My best result is a set of crits. A few Chill for the crits. Multiple Targets to boost the crits for each attack. Several Coffees for the heal by crites. Pebbles for stun by crit. A few Shields to protect and something to attack. And if you collect all this, you can beat two more opponents! :D What will give us, in the end, a dozen fertilizers :)
why does salt stop appearing after floor 79
Read the description carefully. Salt appears only at those levels where there is exactly one type of ore. So it is there further, just much further :) And yes, learn to read descriptions. Then there will be more and more tricky ores and minerals.
im aware of when it appears im saying after floor 79 that stopped happening
i found out salt does not apear again until 101
thats a massive gap to get better salt gains
And? I'm currently mining helium and I can't check when salt appears, but it does. Well, yes, the gap is big and what? Man, I've been mining helium for two months now and I still can't buy the first upgrade, my village can be dumped somewhere after 8-10 months of play (it won't make any sense before), my damn statue is being built for two weeks! One statue! And only an eighth out of ten, and the construction time doubles every time. That is, only the statues will take almost two months in total. And here you are lamenting the fact that your salt is being extracted too slowly :) Be patient! You were warned from the very beginning that it would take a long time :)
the school tests are way to hard to get above B+ rank for me
Don't worry. On the Internet, this problem is observed in 95% of users :)
History is the easiest for me :)
For anyone else who got their save erased from itch switching their CDN, you can retrieve it by going to the old url (or just https://v6p9d9t4.ssl.hwcdn.net - it’ll just be an error message but it’ll work for our purposes) and open dev tools, go to the “Application” tab, select the link inside “Local Storage”, and then filter for “goobooSavefile”. Copy that text and put it in a text document (e.g. using notepad.exe), and import it back on this webpage. You’ll have your save back!
I tried this but it's still about 3 weeks old compared to what I had before the switchover.
how do i get grass
By adding the Grass gene.
i still say purple gems needa actual use
like being able to convert them to other gems
I just use them for instant max pickaxe crafting, or when I need to instantly get an infusion of prestige currency to push through a bottleneck to unlock new uppgrades for example.
those are BLUE gems
im talking about purple gems which only unlock cosmetics
Ahh right, my bad. Then yes, purple ones are useless :)