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Is Potato water the same as Mystical water?

Still waiting to acquire my first in order to find out.  Reply here when you do


Potato Water is a 'Fertilizer' item. Not able to see what it does, or how much you have, until you unlock the feature. Can still gather up some ahead of time though.


Potato water and Mystical water are not the same thing. Potato water is tied to a later upgrade while Mystical is tied to the current event

(1 edit)

So mystical is required for mystifier and bundle on the is it obtained?

Edit:  Oh wow, I've had mystical water all along and never noticed the label until I started using it as a bonus ingredient (bc it isnt used in any of my recipes and just stacks up).


Mystical is a potion ingredient, the mystifier and bundle require topaz, a gem unlocked after unlocking the events, gained when an event is NOT going on at the same rate as other gems

(1 edit)

mystical is unlocked by an event upgrade using essence, gained overtime by discovered potions. Potion shelf upgrade specifically.

Awesome thanks for info.  Apparently essence gain is just so slow (or rng from what potions you acquire/ingredients you gain/magic generation), you can't tell what these upgrades need or do before event runs out.

I did unlock events while in the middle of night event so for 2 weeks I didn't know anything about topaz etc except for this chat.  Extremely confusing without some notes to say as much.  Appreciate

It would appear based on how strong the bonuses are with mystifier and bundle, that not having topaz to use on event (or generating in background?) is a pretty big disadvantage to expected speed of essence gain and ability to gain everything.  This would make my experience far less impactful than it should be if topaz is balanced into the speed of play.

(1 edit)

I can't click on the ? buttons for some reason?

EDIT: Realized those are just resources you don't have yet, nvm.

(1 edit) (+3)

Definitely need some kind of reduction on the tier nerf for event ritual success.  Even with 48% chance increase to success, I've done through like 50+ of resources without succeeding, because of the tier divider and the huge amount of essence required for upgrades.  Getting the next ingredient upgrade will take months at the current rate with how slow everything is, but the event lasts only two weeks.  Wouldn't be so bad if this didn't have a time limit, but there's seriously no way to get enough resources for rewards in this time limit with the bad RNG.

Yes, and the part that limits us the most even with all that RNG is how slowly magic generates.  We could deal with RNG if we didn't have to wait forever to gather ingredients (many of which get wasted bc it might not help your recipes).   The time limit of the event definitely makes the speed of magic and essence gain not work well together yet.


The tutorial in this game should be the template for every overly complicated game in existence.  Everything makes perfect sense despite the seemingly overwhelming amount of things to take control of in a relatively short space of time.

Early days though, I'm only mining at level 18. Plenty of time for me to get annoyed.

Looking great so far, though.

gold coins for the farm are way to rare

how do i do the night event

(3 edits) (+2)

Over time, you will collect magic for the night event. This magic will be used slowly, to change the symbols in any of your other storages (mining, village, horde, farm, school, gems, prestige, golden sand). Mousing over the changed symbol turns it back to normal, and gives you INGREDIENTS.
These ingredients can be put in rituals to earn POTIONS.
It tells you how many potions are possible from that number of ingredients (tier 1: 1, tier 2: 4 etc) and wether or not you succeeded with each ingredient with a little sign that lights up saying "NEW", which means you havent tested this ingredient combo successfully. Order matters.
You can upgrade potions by making another with more of the same ingredient.
Potions are randomised per player.

(1 edit)

I wondered about the randomization, and figures a bit - but sucks because most of my potions all require the same 2 ingredients, while the "potion bottle" is used by none, so I'm just collecting that, forever, but won't be able to use any until long after the event ends.  (Getting to a 3rd slot is extraordinarily expensive.  1 Trillion vs my rate of 317/s)

If it helps, you don't have to get to the 3rd slot to make use of those "extra' ingredients.  You do need an upgrade though, which is obtainable before the event ends.


Maybe adding a feature to auto buy upgrades to a certain level to make prestiges less annoying? I always find it hard to idle after a prestige because I have to buy my way up to a viable level.

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how does the garden gnome work, i have been farming flowers and grains for a long time but i can’t get potatoes till i get gold from the gnomes and i haven’t got any gold so far

Edit: I had to place him on the field


Yep that one takes a good while to figure out.  Needs to be in a note or tooltip

the calcuations for achievements reducing gem time are not accurate

i have 53 which is 53% 

ye it takes 39 minutes to get a gem 

(1 edit)

It doesn't decrease the timer by that percentage, it increases the amount of gems you get in the same timeframe. So at 100% it's 30 min per gem, at 200% it's 20 min, etc.

no, the calculation you said is wrong.

the true calculation is increase the accumulation speed not decreasing upper limit of the time needed

if you get 1 p/min, the gauge need 60p, then you need 60 min to complete once.
generation speed is multiple to the 1p/min.

with mean, you accumulate 1.53p/min, then you need around 39min 24sec to complete once

(1 edit)

the generation equation will be like this
max = 60
gauge speed = 1 * (generation speed + 100)%

time require = max / gauge speed

Clear explanations on how I'm supposed to obtain the event items that are used in rituals would be fantastic. As is, I've had events unlocked for a few days of real world time now and cannot figure out exactly how I've obtained the three items I've managed to obtain (Charred Skull, Maple Leaf and Lavender).


The tooltip for the magic resource has that explanation.


Thanks. I don't seem to recall the tooltip showing that information, or I was half asleep and didn't actually comprehend it at the time, it was actually your comment I found in here that told me how it actually works, so thanks for that as well! :)


the fact ores vanish as you go deeper in the mine is just STUPID it makes every thing take longer for farming ore 

acually they come back in certern floor when the remainder equal to 0, aluminium is floor%3=0, copper is floor%4=0, haven't reach tin dissappear floor yet but i guess is floor%5=0

that just over complicates things

(3 edits) (+6)

I wish the collapsed view for upgrades would still show their price without having to hover the buy button.

Also, tiny gripe: in Village, the job list order is Farmer - Harvester - Miner but the resource display order is Wood - Plant Fiber - Stone. Could they be switched slightly so that the order is consistent, so that the jobs are listed in the same order as their primary product?

>in Village, the job list order is Farmer - Harvester - Miner but the resource display order is Wood - Plant Fiber - Stone. 

I hate this soooo much! It's constantly confuse me when I glance on what resource I'm missing and want to assign villagers.


I wish I could have the tabs perma-listed on the left side, instead of needing to click the menu to click a tab to swap to...

why does a small house in the village only give 1 worker its no better than a hut 


No idea... best guess, it's a new source of workers, since you're close to capping hut at 25/25, I think?... and it uses different resources... I agree, it feels like it should give more, tho...

no just regular workers

practice in school should lead to automation in studying 

(1 edit)

How do cards work after a prestige? I see that it takes the equipped card but does it delete one if you have one already selected? does it take it out of your card collection?


It consumes one copy of the card, but you can only select cards you have multiple of. You can never consume your last copy of a card.

Great, thanks!

I'm still early on, but I was afk for a while and came back to a scrap amount well over my cap.


Not a bug, intended feature.


I think the tooltip explains... storage caps are just softcaps... you gain 25% of normal gains past softcap... still better to increase storage caps when you need to... to continue gaining at 100% speed...  and since you can't buy things that cost more than your storage cap, even if you have the resources for it...

Can someone explain me where monster parts at Z1 (yes, one) comes from? I've accumulated 1.25 in half a day...

Its probably from wealth heirloom?  Didn't know they could generate before z10, but that might be it

I've only power and fortitude ones.

need to be z10 or higher, then reach wave 100 and above
wave won't affect how many part will get but zone will


What does the clover do? Am I stupid? Equipment chance??? What does that mean? When I equip it, nothing changes as far as I can tell, there's no new tooltip or any changes to old ones.

The equipment upgrade buttons could be more clear; it looks exactly like the "how many times you've bought this" tooltip that the other modes have already trained us to pay little attention to, down to the same icon. I was at zone 24 before I realized I was supposed to be upgrading my items.


"Equipment chance" is chance to find new equipment. Each piese have minimum zone it can appear at, after that it's chances increase with each new zone until it will "drop" from monsters.


I wish there were hints for the event, it takes forever to find the potions randomly. 

(2 edits)

For people looking in the comments to find recipes, I don't know if they're randomised at all but here's the ones I've found on mine (rot13'd to hide spoiler and i dont think has spoiler comments for those who want to discover (just google "rot13" if you haven't run into it before)):


Yniraqre, pybire
Zncyr, Yinaqre
Rvgure Yniraqre, Yniraqre, be Yniraqre, Zncyr (V'ir qbar nyy bgure pbzobf)

hmmm... that seems like the combine are randomly generate...
mine need alot of maple and clover though...

(1 edit)

I got a terrible seed then, i've unlocked 4 potions and all of them require lavender, including one thats *two* lavender

bless you

(3 edits)

I've unlocked 5 potions and it's everything that it says i can get for up to 2 ingredients....but in order to unlock 3rd ingredient it'll take nearly infinity, with no other way to increase essence except 1 slow gaining skill).

What are we missing here?  There's still more than a week left in the event, but everything is stalled out to a massive timewall, no matter how many ingredients we gain??

Edit: Didn't realize you can continue increasing power of your potion without having anything else available in that tier.  You're limited to the randomness of ingredients that you discover potions in though, bc no new recipes are available.

Edit2: Also, doesnt seem to be a way to speed up magic gain, so with many unsuable ingredients if they don't fit into your current potions, you're at the mercy of timewall on magic gain and randomness of ingredients gained, at the very least.

Yes, they are all definitely random.  All of my potions ended up using completely different ingredients.


Are nostalgia mechanics explained anywhere? I think it seems to be that time you spend in Horde is added to your nostalgia counter, which decreases by 5% on each boss, but your nostalgia counter increases heirloom drop chance. It would be nice to have this explained more clearly somewhere, as well as being able to see current nostalgia without being in a boss fight.

(3 edits) (+2)(-2)

Having an 8 hr forced timewall to maximize souls in horde is definitely very unrewarding to progression.  Actually making gains after a few prestiges to get more souls per run, and  higher in zone with less time required, is  being completely wiped out by the fact you can't gain anything extra without arbitrarily waiting hours once you're capped on current progress.

Much like other time-gated design decisions, it makes some features neither active nor idle (neither one gives you progression), and is very very unsatisfying.  

Surely there is another way this could be constructed to prevent abuse of fast prestiges being more helpful without forced waits and nothing gained?

Edit: Atm I still get ~70% of souls at 4 hr mark to reset now.  Doing so 2x would still net a lot more benefit in the same time period than waiting the arbitrary 8 hr mark set to receive full gain from 1 run.  Despite being more efficient, it sure feels unnecessary...

Unlocked Night Hunt, and no clue what I'm doing, i had gotten a singular magic, then i had zero magic, then I had lavender, but that was awhile ago, i have none of either right now, and no clue how to get more.

Its not as intuitive as most the game, and the current notes don't seem to answer these questions.

It took me quite some time to figure this feature out, but I do believe I have a handle on it now. Basically while the game is open magic is randomly expended to change a random resource from any other feature into a magic resource. You then need to find this resource and move your mouse cursor over it to collect it, which will add it to the night hunt page. Back on that page, you can attempt rituals with these resources in order to try to unlock potions. Combinations that haven’t succeeded yet will have a little “new” indicator next to the button- once this indicator is gone there is no benefit to repeating that specific combo if it did not yield a potion (I wasted SO MANY RESOURCES before figuring this out). The rest should be easy enough to work out from the tooltips.

(2 edits)

Yeah it still makes no sense to me.  I have gotten 4 ingredients so far and never saw anything unusual about other resources on any page.  Perhaps its not obvious at all, or the shadows or shading is a problem or something.  Also, how do we combine ingredients with only 1 box?  Definitely not intuitive at all, with or without notes.

Really love the UI in general, and most of  the gameplay mechanics (school is still awful), but just wish things didn't need so much explanation to figure out how to even begin.


Finally found one icon that was different randomly.  At least now I know what to look for, but it was for a split second while mousing over things.  Could certainly stand to be more apparent or last longer, or just different way to earn the currency thats less annoying (and also not idle at all).


Would love if there could even be a popup to tell you you found one.


FYI, I just randomly decided to check the hourglass modal and found an icon on that, so the sand resource is able to spawn them, too.

Make sure to check the prestige tabs too as those icons can also be magicked

Can magic icons be magicked? :)

Is it normal that I can't upgrade the basic village building anymore? The fiber and stone capacity is too low for the first 3... But I need to upgrade one of them to raise the capacity...

Yeah other things might up the capacity or else it's probably a sign that it's time to prestige

I don't think I can prestige yet, this started happening before I was even level 35 

then you should try upgrade the gold cap, then using the gold you get to upgrade the capacity of other resource.
this will be enough till you reach prestige

Can anyone explain the depth dweller to me? I don't really understand what it is or how it works.

(1 edit) (+3)

It’s the prestige mechanic for Mining, it VERY SLOWLY digs down to 10% of the depth you’ve reached and the depth it makes it to determines how many of the prestige resource you get when you prestige and also what prestige upgrades get unlocked.

Deleted post

A fertilizer that can only target grains: Growth x3, Gold x2

Does anyone know what I need to do for last General quest of "Digging deeper"? I have "School Level at least 1: 0" and I don't know what that means. Where are school levels even?

It's tier 3 building in village 

Huh, doesn't save by default.  That was a surprise.

How do I see how often the conservatory refortifies it's chemicals?

is night hunt not working for anyone else? I don't have any ingredients.

never mind, just had to wait for magic to generate. 

What do you mean?  I mean the hint shows up that you can hover over "currencies" to see what makes them, but since every single thing in the entire event panel is [?], none of them have tooltips, so I'm not really sure what to even BEGIN to do with this tab.


I'm having a ton of fun.  This is an excellent game! 

Below is a list of suggests/complaints/thoughts/etc. Feel free to ignore them; it will still be an excellent game :)


I hate the practice/study/exam mechanic.  I realize it's not necessary to progress, but that doesn't keep me from hating its existence.  Also, it doesn't really fit with the rest of the game.

When a new upgrade is unlocked, it should generate a notification until the player see it.


I don't feel like the rainbow staff needs a "/1.15 attack" penalty.  While the staff does a better job of counter-acting the toughness sigil than any previous item, the penalty means it's weaker against everything else.  Absent a toughness-only zone, it's hard ot justify its use (and even then, I'd rather just use a Fire orb, since it provides minor buffs even after exiting such zones).  Maybe it becomes more useful later, but if so it was unlocked too early.

If used when the player is dead, Red staff should still provide the +10% attack bonus.

The loadout menu should have a button to save/copy the current loadout.


Once unlocked, the mouseover description for granite should provide instructions (much like the mouseover for "monster part" provides instructions in Horde).  Possibly both should unlock when the note is generated, in case players are ignoring notes.

It would be nice if crafting slots supported drag-and-drop (only really useful due to premium crafting slots).


When the player unlocks a new card, that card category should be highlighted, and if expanding any newly unlocked cards should be marked.


If "Text Shadows" is set to none, some of the text becomes hard to read (i.e., dark text on dark background).  Mouseovers are better than nothing, but it's not ideal.  I'll note that I disabled "text shadows" because it strains my eyes (as does light text on dark background, so personally I'd rather this not be addressed by changing the text to white).


"More green crystals" should probably be under "Gems" instead of "Mining"

When a new upgrade is unlocked, it should generate a notification until the player see it.


"Miniature Smith" probably should not be marked as "housing."

Somehow one of the times when I prestiged, one of my in-progress buildings continued progressing.  Possibly this is intentional for persistent buildings.

It would be nice if the building queue supported mouseover information (time remaining for all, time remaining for specific building)


For some reason I didn't initially realize the gnome had to placed in the garden.  Maybe unlocking it should generate a note? Also, maybe the odds of earning gold should be buffed if the player has never earned any (i.e., because it's easy to wonder if something is going wrong if the player happens to have a bad run of gnome luck prior to their first success).

I feel like the gnome should have a pointy hat.


If capacity is not too low, "Can't afford" should be replaced by "Can't afford (xx seconds), where xx is the time remaining until the player can afford the purchase.

The console log is full of uncaught exceptions from attempting to lock screen orientation.  Maybe catch them so they can be swallowed.


"More green crystals" should probably be under "Gems" instead of "Mining"

'Green crystals' are the prestige currency for mining. It's not the same as Emeralds.


This comment is how I learned that I need to place the gnome. I was just convinced that the chance of getting gold was extremely low.


It was something like a week before I tried placing the gnome.  I was wondering if the rng/drop of money it said it gave a chance of was bugged somehow.

(1 edit) (+1)

So I placed mine onto an empty slot, yesterday.  Is _something_ supposed to be happening?

Additionally the tooltip needs clarification:  "The chance is based on crop grow time" is unclear.  It needs to specify if it is higher or lower based on the length of the grow time.

(1 edit)


There should be a note somewhere that taxes increases fruit/grain usage.  My first loop, I was constantly at 0 because I thought buying treasury to increase gold gain was good.  This second loop, I've kept it low and now I'm no longer using DOUBLE the fruit/grain gain.  (The gains for those are FAR too low, even with gold purchases, to allow for treasury to be ever worth buying more than twice)

...and for Horde, I'm still trying to find the new loadout screen.  Maybe it unlocks far far into the game, but at zone 41, I still don't have it, despite having 7 pages of equipment to use.

(1 edit)

In the upgrades screen for Horde, click the icon next to the X/X items equipped text above your equipment.

holy...Wow, thank you.  I never noticed the tiny icon and thought it was decoration.

The ease of getting a tax rate that eclipses your grain/fruit production seems to make the tax rate faith upgrade completely worthless and just a waste of faith.  Having worthless upgrades is pretty unfortunate.

Huh, there's a much later upgrade that actually makes my fruit/grain production approach the consumption by tax rate, making this upgrade no longer worthless.


Miniature Smith seems to give 1 worker for every 5 built or so, so that's probably why it's marked as housing.

Seems like loadouts are a bit bugged in that you can equip items you don't have yet in this current prestige through the loadout equip.


The horde section has so much clicking for an idle game... and it feels so difficult to advance if you're not actively involved. So many super short cooldowns. It makes it feels like a waste when you're not actively participating.

Enemies that give you 1/4 of the loot, weird regressive souls design, and other things make the Horde section a real chore. I would maybe take another pass at this to make sure you're not burning people out with this section. I have like 9 equipment slots right now and it's a nightmare.


The Horde section has far more idle than it seems, especially once you've progressed further.  Micro-managing your ability uses can really only get you through an extra few zones, with the impact and frequency of this dropping as the game progresses.  Prestige time penalty, corrupted flesh, and monster parts all mean that relying on active play only serves to get you to a time wall sooner.  You could instead rely on prestige bonuses for such progress.  


Something I'd like to request is making it so either equipment effects in horde mode cant be used while you're reviving or for the effects to still take place.  I think this isnt an issue for the bone generating equipment, but it does feel pretty bad to come back from afk and use the red staff only to realize you were dead and have the cooldown wasted without even getting the prestige long attack increase.

what does getting better grades do now that it doesn't affect book gain?


bonus to gold dust earned



It took me a bit to fully understand the ethos of this game, but now that I do, I'm a big fan.

The way resource capacities work is very cool. For those who may not understand, you're able to accumulate resources above their capacity, but the rate of obtaining them will be greatly reduced, and you can't spend more resources than you have the capacity for. This allows me to either play actively or idle, in either case not feeling like I'm missing out on anything. It also makes it important to keep on top of your various upgrades.

I also enjoy the various features, and how they both intertwine and give different things to do as the game progresses. Each could be a decent enough incremental game in its own right, but melding them all together keeps the progression feeling fresh and compelling.

The school feature isn't my favorite, if only because math isn't really my forte, but so far as I can tell, advancing there isn't strictly necessary, and is mostly there to help you obtain gold dust, which can speed up time progression. So long as I'm correct about that, I think the feature is fine and good, as it allows an optional avenue to speed up progression without serving as a roadblock to people who struggle with typing or math.

All in all, I think you have a solid game here, and you seem responsive to making improvements based on player feedback, which is likewise appreciated. Looking forward to seeing where else this game might go!

passed zone 10 and no new resource

You need to beat the #100 enemy of z10 to start getting that new resource.

You should push to higher zones (~z14), and come back when your attack is about 10x of first enemy hp of z10.


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